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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. Never did sadly the one that I used has zero access it was deleted for being inactive for so long. I got my other account name it's Korean and the profile photo is kim jon illin with sun glasses on and smiling look for that one and add me. If any of you can buy the CS:S game for me on this account then problem solved!

  2. I cannot log onto steam anymore it says I need a code from my email when I never had a email set on my account... I don't know to do and I have no other steam accounts but one can someone please help me. I've tried contacting steam support they are not answering and I tried contacting steam by phone nobody answered. If anyone could give me advice on what to do please help!

  3. Decision: +1

    Why: Great guy and just needs to be a little more known on our servers for him to get accepted faster he follows the rules and is always understanding when he is told when he's wrong.

    Maturity: 9/10

    Activity: Very active on Jailbreak

  4. +1

    vicious is one of the most maturest ppl in xG

    i no he will handle his mod wisely :)

    Same +1 I was gonna post moderator submission but I feel you deserve it more than me so good luck vicious hope you get it :)

  5. That is a question for serbian for I am not the one who let it be a perm when it was suppose too be a 1 week ban. If there was no proof sadly the mods word is the truth but if the mod was a liar and just banned you out of rage or something like that he should be punished in the appropriate manner. Again I believe this is how this matter should be dealt with North Korea.
