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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. Herro it's me Blastoise AKA Korean for some who know me by that name. I'm here to say that I will be back on from time to time again not everyday of the week but once in a while but hope too see what has happened while i've been gone and hope to play with a couple of new members throughout the rest of my experiences at xG.

    THANKS <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  2. Saying stuff fast just to call warden is ok with me as long as they repeat the initial orders if they don't and/or everyone is like what the? Then I will get on their case. By the way if anyone from the clan that has powers to punish you and then you go what the hell why did I get slayed or kicked etc. You should contact the person who punished you and ask them what the reason was for other than complaining and getting very frustrated just trying to cut down on the rages and mic spams from conflicts in the servers.

  3. I got a big problem guys and I want you to decide I may be able to come back if I do this.

    1. Change my schedule to go to school in the afternoons and work in the afternoons and sleep in the morning for 8 hours and I can come back!

    2.Quit my shitty job and just let my buddy pay the rent xD.

    3.Get on for like 30 minutes. (And btw #1 is kinda hard to do will take some work but I think I could manage.

  4. I got a big problem guys and I want you to decide I may be able to come back if I do this.

    1. Change my schedule to go to school in the afternoons and work in the afternoons and sleep in the morning for 8 hours and I can come back!

    2.Quit my shitty job and just let my buddy pay the rent xD.

    3.Get on for like 30 minutes. (And btw #1 is kinda hard to do will take some work but I think I could manage.

  5. Hey guys it's me blastoise saying I will not be playing css ever again due to the fact that my account go ddos and crashes almost constantly.

    I blamed rabid at first for this but what the hell this could be anyone I tried reinstalling CSS and steam I thought of making a new steam account, but it's not worth the hassle.

    So I will bid you all a fair well thank you all especially [xG] Mr.Lissa as my last day on CSS to go lick his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and tell me i'm the worst mod ever over steam chat.

    Have fun guys take care (and I also leave because of the fact of college!)

    Goodbye from Blastoise AKA Koreqqqqan, I say with a warm smile on my face Goodnight everyone!




  6. Everytime I long on a website on google chrome it would show thw websites URL crossed out. Then everything is in blue and black letters with no


    All I wanna know is what I should download or how to fix this problem should I reinstall Shockwave flash player or is it a problem with google chrome itself?

    Please post anything to help me out because without this problem not fixed it's hard to post on forums!