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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. From what i'm seeing this looks more like a popularity contest more than a vote on who would make a good moderator and benefit the community +1 to chickenlips I've never actually seen you troll anyone so I guess that's a good thing for you. Oh I don't take trolling lightly and certainly not racism I'm tired of hearing cause your Asian cause your Korean stop please don't do that.



  2. lol I remember the first day you joined i'm an oldish member of xG and so many of the members I've come to know from the beginning are leaving and have left, Xavien is right guys we gotta get the community back together and stop all this trolling shit If it will help I will try to get people to read motd more so that the mods don't have to explain to them why they got slayed and cts are suppose too know the motd for cts also I'll try to be the biggest help I can from now on.

    <3 you man I'll miss you along with all the other old members that left.

  3. So last night I was on my new labtop and the internet was not connecting to my wireless router. So I used the connection from my computer I typed in the security key that was labeled onto the back of the router and then my internet worked for my labtop. Now though I cannot connect from my computer and the name of the connection has changed it keeps on saying Troubleshoot problems. I have tried to reset my router countless times but still no go. So I'd figured that you guys would know what to do if anyone could give me any suggestions of what to do if not well then thanks. I've got a brother who's 22 and he can help me since he went to technical school for this kind of stuff for 3 year but he lives all the way in Michigan and I have cannot contact his cell phone. This is why I came to you guys please again help in anyway you can because If I cannot connect to my computer I'd have no way too connect to my school files.



  4. Would cl_cmdrate +100 help in this situation I really don't think it will since it only masks from people seeing the ping as a different number as it originally is when you press tab and look at their name like when everyone use too ask me how is your ping 1 Korean?

    I'd say hacks XD!

  5. When I bought mine I watched it progress by tracking it each and everyday and it took 1 week for it to get there and by the time it did it went to alaska colorado PA twice and Ohio until it reached PA finally I don't what they were doing lol maybe they were lost?

  6. +1 I have always see him rule breaking while playing ct he should never be ct again


    BTW this serious sam I asked him this morning not to be warden so just saying if you see him be warden please tell him not too because everytime he is warden he gets trolled or such and he's not very good at it to be all honest THANKS.

  7. So I get on a soccer server with duckiiSr and this is what this person says.


    [xG:O|DB]DuckiiSr. : a thing i have to tell u

    [xG:O|DB]DuckiiSr. : im not the real duckii

    [xG:O|DB]DuckiiSr. : Im another one

    [xG:O|DB]DuckiiSr. : that

    [xG:O|DB]DuckiiSr. : i asked


    I'm very confused does anyone care to explain what's going on?