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Posts posted by JakeImpossibru

  1. I was on but then it started too suck does any mods/admins have any suggestion on how too catch fks better because its hard watching all these ts and cts all at the same time and taking other people's word for things can make it a little too risky.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Well the sad part is that the guy did clip for lr and he said no clipping or cheating but the problem is he apparently cannot see this. I wen't on the next round and admin sprayed the spray too show that the spray was indeed missing some part of it so that's why I slayed him cause he fked


    ---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------


    and btw your graphics are messed up notice how the spray is much much smaller than all the other sprays?