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Everything posted by Xavien10

  1. In case your serious: if you need money that badly why don't we invest in adds.. The site gets enough traffic good things would happen. If your not: [ATTACH]1192.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. Bronies, i mean get real guys.
  3. +1 one time Ruski touched my legs.
  4. yeah I rate the vid 9/10 if I say so myself. not bad.
  5. Glenn i like you but you went to far when you trolled smoker. -1, sorry.
  6. in glory of goon squad[ATTACH]1166.vB[/ATTACH]
  7. How much ram is on your hard drive, [ATTACH]1144.vB[/ATTACH]
  8. [ATTACH]1143.vB[/ATTACH] Ohai major *insert goat pun here*
  9. It doesn't have to be this way. Trust me, I know because it used to NOT be this way. but like compared to like may, things are just completely different lol..
  10. Things are a lot different since may, that's for sure.
  11. Xavien10 i don't know how many views but I'm assuming
  12. I keep getting hemroids, and I've been bleeding a lot...in school, on the side walk, sleeping, eating.. and when it scabs up I just go to use the restroom to do my number 2 it breaks the scab and just bleeds more. When I wear white shorts to school I bleed through.. I have to have a tissue ball between my butt and my pants. there's always blood and I can't use my mic in jb because it hurts so much I'll start crying. My new years resolution is to have more fiber in my diet and seet a doctor, thank you for your time.
  13. +1 rabid made an admin abuse thread about me because I muted him
  14. Xavien10


    yeah dukes talked ♥♥♥♥ to me and sent me porn on steam, your kind of a moron Duke. On a side note, who would troll Sean, like I understand me, but why Sean? +1 To remove mod. Absolutely in no shape or form should we allow some one to moderate the server who's an incompetent Wookie. EDIT: Sorry, he isn't mod yet. however he shouldn't be allowed mod then.
  15. We had a lot of good times Isaac, Trevers voice made me cry. You've done a lot of growing up Isaac, and even though we aren't friends. I'm proud of you. You've grown up a lot in the last year and your a man with honour, your a good comrade (Better then i've been), and have always stayed a good person. I'm proud of you Isaac.
  16. can we just ban you from servers... like seriously.. you say our jail is crap and all this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. but then you play on it and spam our forums about how we're not good enough. +1 to ban him, its just annoying at this point
  17. -1 Honestly, so many people complain about you being a mod it's ridiculous. I have seen you abuse so many times, even before I was in xG I saw you abuse. You are the example of what an admin shouldn't be. This is ridiculous. E.Z Kill, you -1'd batman because your saying we should have no tolerance, but then quarantine freekills 120 people and kicks them all and its alright. Like No. Just No. In conclusion, if you unban Quarantine, then I want batman unbanned because it was his first time.
  18. +1 ewr67896543w67834edr
  19. -1 bad mod/ human being. I AM THE LAW