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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. So I was watching some CS:GO beta gameplay by hutch and APL, and i saw APL got awped by someone by the name of "xG. Keyhunt" but I don't think xG means XenoGamers to this guy....because hes not in the clan, but I thought it was cool seeing that in a machinima video :3




  2. :l If it kills someone by spamming it, it would be a decent reason to be a freeday, but that also causes problems, because if there are no admins, or maybe even if there are admins, someone will spam cells everyround to kill someone and give constant freedays without even having warden. maybe no admins are on ct and cant see who is spamming, because if you're on T you can't see "[bUTTON SPAM]" in console.

  3. So what if he faked it, there are still people being bullied, some don't have it very bad, like me, I get bullied very lightly and don't mind it because I've kicked the bully's ♥♥♥ atleast 5 times, and there are people who can't do that, and people who can't stand up for themselves, but there are also people who pretend like getting lightly bullied is suicidal, but not even getting bullied to the point of depression is suicidal, learn to defend yourself and grow up. Some people can't do that though, and I feel sorry for them, but I used to be the bullied little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in my grade 2 class, until I stood up for myself and kicked some ♥♥♥, I don't start fights but now no one does anymore. There are people who have it far worse than anyone getting bullied, but don't realize it every day, but there's always a way to get over bullying. My solution wasn't the greatest, but it worked like a charm.


    Jonah Mowry lied but made a very clear message, Bullying can cause people to take their own lives, but it's not always the case. People don't realize standing up for yourself does work, and you need to just try it. Bullying isn't a gigantic problem and we need to just get over it, everyone has been insulted or hit before in their lives, just because it happens to you everyday doesn't mean you kill yourself. Bullies are assholes who take their problems out on weaker people, they have problems too, but they aren't always as big as yours. Bullies are just low-life cocknipples and we need to face it, they're not going anywhere for a long time.

  4. well, im not a fan of pinoy but I dont think he deserves to get kicked from the clan, maybe like a 15 minute ct ban for these things, because he just freekills with invalid excues....but yeah, don't kick him, -.-