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Posts posted by Soiarn

  1. Stop dis-respecting Billy Mays...

    It's really sad, as I really liked that guy.

    It'd be awesome if he'd still be alive, atleast then I wouldn't skip the commercials...


    Edit: Even though, I'd say he had a horrible death.

    Here's how it goes:

    1. He goes to bed.

    2. He doesn't know he's about to die.

    3. He never wakes up.


    And that makes him maybe think, that he's still dreaming, about oxi-clean and stuff...

    Poor guy, I'd sacrifise 1 cent for that guy.

  2. Null banned you and his reason was other, so wait until he replies.
    What exactly was his reason?

    Edit: It seems like it's Permanent, I can't think of anything that bad that I've done...

    Edit 2: At the same time which I was banned which is 09:25, I was sleeping.


    ---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ----------


    This case has been cleared. This topic could be locked now.

  3. Member Name: Soiarn


    Your In-Game Name: Soiarn


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35539311


    Ban Reason: I am not exactly sure.


    Unban Reason: Because I want to continue playing on this wonderful server.

  4. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35539311

    Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Soiarn

    Reason why you don't want this member in our community?: Because he freekills and kills people being gunplanted the instant they get it. And also he might be dumb or something, I just heard someone say that in-game.

    His/her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26753815

    His/her In-game/forum name: [xG] RABLER

  5. Member Name: Soiarn


    Player's Name: No Guns No Glory


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10088322


    Ban Request Reason: Over excessive freekilling, CT's are afraid to open cell doors. Etc, we hide inside cell or else, we get killed by him. Then he begins throwing grenades inside and when I was the only one left alive, I got killed. He've free-killed everyone, every freaken round.

  6. Member Name: Soiarn


    Player's Name: spanky


    Player's Steam ID: Could not get it because of excessive lag.


    Ban Request Reason: Suspicious activity.

    Look at his ping, and all others ping.

    The ping grew by 1-2 by everyone every secound.


  7. Well, I think this is the right formula.

    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com


    ---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 AM ----------


    I am very interested in being an admin. I like the Jailbreak server, but I believe it needs more people who have read the motd and more admins who pay attention. The admins I have seen (Billy mays, goon squad, and others) do a great job, I just think you need more. I also like the surf server and hope I can help get more people on it. I haven't been playing on xG servers for very long so I don't expect immediate admin status and will be greatful to be accepted into the clan at all. Thank you all for considering my application.


    ---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------


    Soiarn, I've been playing with you all day today, plus yesterday. You freekilled me once and I have a hard time understanding your orders. I have nothing against you, just please don't -1 me because you haven't been paying attention.

    I have mostly been half-sleeping, I didn't play any attention to the game. Therefore I might have missed you. My apologises.

  8. But, I've actually read the !motd twice, just to be sure. So I am sorry for any mistakes that might have been maked. I don't look at myself like a new player, as I've played at other Jail Break servers for a couple of months.


    Edit: It's strange, because they accepted me and didn't have any problems with my voice. But it might have something with it not being any British or Americans on the server...

  9. No, I switched up two servers, and I got some couple of minuses because of my ban appeal on my last submission. That's what I'm saying. I'm no freekiller, and if I make an accident, I usually slay myself. And about my accent, I've changed it, okay?


    Edit: Also people do understand my voice, the last 20 rounds...

  10. 1. The first one was because I forgot to fix my mic, which I've done.

    2. If you had a holstered gun, it should be in red or something, but I've not seen anything like that, if that's the case, then sorry.

    3. Already declined, well that's because I made a ban appeal which was for another server.

  11. Member Name: Soiarn


    In-Game Name: Soiarn


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35539311


    Age: 14


    Game Time: About a six years or so.


    Helpful Skills: I am good at giving very strict commands, aslo I am good in 1 vs alot of people matches, where I might be able to kill most of them. This could come in handy in like, wardays and where people have guns. I am also good at checking for guns, it takes a merely half secound to gun-check a guy. I am also good at rebelling while I am Terrorist, as I am good known with the maps.