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Posts posted by Soiarn

  1. Member Name: Soiarn


    Player's Name: PapiChulo


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16186520


    Ban Request Reason: Because he slayed me, and he's saying I'm an idiot.


    The warden said, "FACE THE CELLS AT ALL TIME". Then some guy did a 360 spin, which couldn't have been done without facing away from cells, because then he could've only done a 179 spin. PapiChulo claims he was spectating me which could be true, but that doesn't change the fact that a 360 spin couldn't have been done without facing away from cells. Also, I've started recording demo's now and will post them when I'm done recording.

  2. soairn. you make me sad.
    You disgust me, and also, I'd like to referr you to a little poem I wrote. "Roses are red, violets are blue, you are dis-respectfull and won't achieve anything."

    *Delete me for off-topic, just like his reply*

  3. +∞ (Infinite), love his voice, very good warden and follows all rules excellently. PS: There's no other person I'd recommend more that this guy, I haven't seen him break as much as one rule ever.

  4. Playing jailbreak for the last 2 hours was painful. xG members and non-members made for some of the most horrendous days I have ever seen. I don't have proof of what im saying (eg, screenshots and chat logs) but it happened. First off, people like Soiarn, King J and Oreo (just to name a few) who consistently are on CT spam the mics at the beginning of the round to try and call warden, and if they do not get it its a yelling match for whoever wins. Secondly, where is this new motd? Soiarn killed 24 T's on a 2+2 trivia question 30 seconds into the round and nothing happened, is that a joke? I quote nickname here, "it was perfectly legit because theres noting in MOTD about how many T's you can kill". ...really? Thanks for the FYI, ill be rank 1 in no time then whenever i get warden. Next, since people dont like 86% of the maps on the rotation, why dont we just delete every map besides lego, vip and avalanche since people are just going to do RTV freedays until one of those is picked. We literally played Razors_Redone for 2 rounds, 1 of which was a failed warday turned freeday. 2 Rounds and the next was a RTV freeday, because "theres nothing to do on the map". Okay cool, we go to vipinthemix, what do we do? Well heres the list: simon says, warday in soccer, trivia, first reaction last reaction. Was an RTV even necessary? Finally, admins only look out for themselves, i dont mean this 100% of the time, but if something goes wrong with them its an automatic slay and no further discussion is needed. Fine, thats cool youre doing youre job in that situation, CT's were opening vents, gunspamming and freekilling and what happens? Oh, i didnt see it or "get proof". Im not going to wait in armory to grab a screenshot to put on forums and then be told, "oh well theres no proof its him, you could have been trying to frame him" (eg, see other post on ban request).


    Thats my rant for today, don't post TLDR on here because youre just worthless to the clan if you dont read whats on forums.


    Kk bai <3

    Yeah, that was sad. xD

    To your information, I counted. It was 14.

    I saw no rules against killing more than 3 people in trivia...


    BTW, I wish I had a sniper, so I could've 14 headshot, that would be so funny. xD

    I just love how my rank got so much lower <3

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  6. I HATE THIS GUY !!!! Jokes I actually love his accent, he is my number 2 after 321lwq of cource. The one thing I want him to say is "In Soviet Russia, Car drives you" because that would probably make me curl into a ball of joy and sleep for a couple of weeks.



    OOOO yeah and I don't have any problems with him being CT from how much I've seen him.

    I just love 321lwq's accent too! <3 :D

  7. Truly IDK why I unfriended you people hate you because of bad warden. And yes I was told this personally from a whole LOT of people!

    Now I will repeat this if you guys please get people too stop disliking him for being bad warden he doesn't know all the rules yet give him

    a chance. Soiran sorry for unfriending can you forgive me possibly I would appreciate it but yea i'll do my best too get people off your


    I forgive you, and I apologize for being a bad warden. If that's your opinion of course.

  8. You just ignored all of the other posts...
    I forgot to read page 2, xD.


    ---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 AM ----------


    I have no accent, I just try to copycat someone else who speaks the same words as I do. I learn as other CT's speak, and try to pronounce the words in the same way.

  9. As a response to #1Korean unfriending me, is because I gave a command, and everyone followed it except him and another guy. So he might think it was a freekill, he told me that I only gave them 5 secounds or so, and that he didn't get enough time to turn 180 degrees. I am not a freekiller, until prooven wrong with a demo or a video of me, before and after the killings have been done. With that said, I am not russian, I am new to this community and I just want to get accepted. Just because I am European, and my English isn't 100% perfect, I still think my voice is understandable. People have flamed me alot in-game and I have gotten atleast 2 death threats, which I shouldn't need to handle. It's almost strange why people say I freekill, and doesn't have any proof, as I wrote above, I'd like to see some proof. Becuase if I accidently shoot or kill someone, I always slay myself and most of the time apologize for it. And Aaron, please stop constantly telling everyone I am a freekiller until prooven guilty.

  10. how do you know he meant the name "Forrest" and not climb an actual Forest? hm!?!
    Thank you for pointing that out. I am not referring to the movie "Forrest Gump". I am talking about an actual forest, that could be climbed.