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Posts posted by Soiarn

  1. Yeah, it would be a day where everyone has to complete the Climb in the current map. Then the loosers would die or get killed. After that, the survivors would do something other. Until there's only 1 terrorist left.

  2. But seriosuly, even though if I use what Mad Scientist meant, ALOT of time. Still I am not a freekiller, I slay myself when I accidently kill someone or such issues occur. Also I usually apologize to them.

  3. You were also disrespecting Nickname despite his position of being a mod. He ordered you to move your clan tag to the back of your name because it might confused players with the A in [sF:A]. After five times of changing your name into something unsuitable. That is known as admin disrespect and you can get slayed for that.


    Also, most of the players hate you because you freekill. Like for instance, you become warden and give your usual orders of taking a step outside your cell, face your cell and freeze. You will then spend about two minutes doing this causing most of the players to be irritated and look at you with disgust. You have to be quick and efficent when being a warden. I recommend you spend time as a T and learn from that persepctive.



    Personal Remarks:

    I don't hate you Soiarn but you need to improve. :3

    I'll do that, I didn't see that I used such much time. Sorry folks.

  4. Member Name: Soiarn


    Abusing Admin: [xG:M] nickname [R]


    Your In-Game Name: [xG] Soiarn [sF:A]


    Abuse Description: He slayed me and muted me. People also started hating me.


    Reason: Because he though I was doing massive freekilling. Also he thought I killed a guy typing, which is the first guy I am writing about in proof below. I did not kill him for typing, I always do a "type check" before, giving them 10 secounds to comply.


    Player Effect: It affected me, as some players on the server give me death threats and want me to leave the server forever. All I wanted to do was to follow the warden's commands.


    Proof: I'll give a reason for everyone I killed that round:


    First guy was because the warden said they had to leave their cells and do the commands by, let's say 7:15, but he weren't out before 7:14, so he's too late. Secound guy, the warden told everyone to crouch, take one step outside, turn on flashlight and point it straight up, but he had it 45 degrees, so it was at the wall and not at the roof. The next 5 guys or so, was because I standed infront of a stack, and I saw each of them not pointing their flashlight at the roof, so I killed the first guy. Shortly after two other guys began looking at me and not pointing the flashlight straght up. So I also killed them for not doing the warden's commands.



    ---------- Post added at 05:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 AM ----------


    Also someone thinks I am a goat ****er and a pedophile. Because a guy asked "Do your people in your country **** goats" or something, and I just said yes. Not that I am a goat ****er. That's also damn annoying.

  5. Well, I am used to have this game on another JailBreak server, it's kind of like a freeday.


    So, here's how it goes:


    Everyone has to change their name to Chris, and if they do, they get a freeday. If not, then they die. (Not really).

  6. Congratulations, on the new host. Everything lags like hell (serverside), nobody can hear the mic. Your "REAL" ping is over 2000 since that's the delay, and Yes I have proof. Sittin' on my harddrive. When I first joined earlier, I got damn IN-CELL KILLED. There are 10 people online now, and only 1 [xG] member, and that's me. Everyone else doesn't understand rules... It's so damn annoying, with all that HARDCORE lag.

  7. -1, He has freekilled me more than once, and wouldn't talk about it / slay himself. But also +2, since that was in the start, now he's no longer known as an freekiller. So in total, that's a +1 from me.

    EDIT: -2, rejected earlier.

  8. Here's something that might work:


    - Write "!warden" to be / takover warden.

    - Write "!pass" to pass your warden to someone else followed by them typing "!warden".


    Just an example guys.

    It would help alot, and also you should have some kind of mic-check thingy.

    I don't think this could be accomplished as this might need to be custom made by this community.


    ---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------


    We can't have it to where like they have to type !warden or something, because then they would just bind the key. I suggest what Penguin suggested, where you can choose to keep or pass it. But since that would bring the need for mics back, another suggestion would be for the t's to vote on a warden, so the ct with the most votes has the highest percentage chance of being picked for warden, so the ct's without mics will almost never get picked for warden.
    The T's would all vote on someone who's giving out freedays, I'd rather recommend doing it the other way, by the CT's voting.