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Posts posted by Soiarn

  1. How about we ban soiarn for being a complainer-poop-head lol amirite?


    btw papi is a freakin great mod AND player. stop whining like a 7 year old.

    I was just B.S.'ing...

  2. Soiarn keeps better track of the rules than 90% of xG members. The kid could look into a law career. -1
    Thank you for being such understanding. The thing is, that people usually get pissed for me killing them for not being AFK frozen, and they don't realise it themselves. Because they just look a bit around and stuff. If I however do freekill, I realise it 90% of the time and slay myself and then apologize.


    ---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------


    soiran freekilled me, he freekills alot of ppl to.. his excuse is i moved one pixel, i vouche for ban
    As I always says, please post with a .dem file or some kind of proof, other than people saying that I freekill. Even though I don't. I'd like to see 1 damn .dem file... But please, don't post without proof.


    ---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------


    And about yesterday, I appearently got ill, and I could'nt think clear.

  3. Name: Soiarn

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35539311

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    How long you have been in xG: A couple of weeks

    Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : None.

    Why do you want to be a co-leader: So that I can mass slay everyone on the server and change the map to the shittiest map everytime.

    How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I would help them getting less pressure on their servers, and getting them to run faster. (Less members).

    Anything else you want to add: Nope.


    ---------- Post added at 05:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 AM ----------


    You're doing it wrong. you're supposed to make us think it isn't Rick Astley. Durpaweurrppphararearpaeprp
    It's way less obvious when it's himself, maybe we're supposed to think it's Rick Astley, but then Winnie the Pooh appears and steal the show.

  4. I like the new format looks great. :P

    There's acutally a new format, where?!

    BTW, I have another seat in my car, if you're interested in some more delicious goodies.

  5. You're such a cute little kitten.

    BTW, I have some real goodies for you Mr. Hudson.

    If you'd just enter my car, so I can give you some goodies.

  6. Papi is a good player, and this is posted in the wrong section
    Don't you think I've recognized that by now? I know this is in the wrong section, I know this isn't a real thread but just some random ********. And I want to keep it that way.

    I you don't have anything interesting to share, then stop posting it here, as I use this thread to waste some time.

  7. 1. Off-topic.


    ---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 AM ----------


    No disrespect, but you need to shut your goddamn mouth, 1. Your freekill, 2. Your mic sucks, 3. You're a terrible warden and you lie bunch of times, I wish I had recorded what you do, for god sakes, that is nowhere near abusing or annoying, hes having fun, letting people vote for shits and giggles, right before you become warden, and yet you have the tendancy to make a thread about a good admin/moderator?? Smh -__-, you need to watch what you do before you comment about other people.
    I'd like to se one damn .dem file that shows me freekilling without slaying myself and apologizing.

  8. As you can see he edited all the white text...


    ---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------


    [/color]You lied to me.

    It's like you're stealing my thoughts. :D


    Are you gonna post a ban request for that too ?


    Quarantine, I love your post, it's the best post ever made and totally not stupid.

    Now, come here big boi, and gimme' a big llama hug!


    ---------- Post added at 03:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 AM ----------



    I'm not even writing anymore on here...
    You lied to me.

  10. That's proof enough, I denied at the very first post.

    Good job.



    Do you like fishsticks?

    ---------- Post added at 03:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 AM ----------


    PapiChulo: This is going way off track...


    ---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 AM ----------


    Btw, totally off-topic, you remember those days I freekilled you?

  11. The title pretty much tells the story.

    It's getting annoying that he's votekicking himself mostly when he's leaving.

    It serves no purpose, since option 1 is YES, and we all know that everyone presses 1.


    So please, in the future, and for my sake, just press F10 and Enter.

  12. Well, my In-Game character is just lying on the floor, and bleeding like one hell.

    I can't get him to stand up, since he seems to be dead. :(

    So resurrect my character, so I can continue playing. Since he's dead, and he'll be like that forever :(.

    ---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------


    Me: Hey, what happened to you friend?

    Character: *_*

    Me: Are you dead? *Crying*

    Charater: Yeah, PapiChulo brutally murdered me, he began by cutting of my toes, and the working his way up to my head.

    Me: Well, that's horrible.

    Character: Yeah. :(


    ---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 AM ----------


    They don't have the same powers.

    ETC, a moderator can't slay a Leader, but a Leader which is a higer rank than Moderator can slay a Moderator. That's the main difference.

    PapiChulo, leave me alone. :(

  13. I am currently recording proof for the next time he does such a thing. BTW, I think him replying himself will be proof enough. Still, it doesn't seem like he's a good Moderator at all, since he really failed by slaying me for no damn reason.not readable.