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Posts posted by Soiarn

  1. Look, I just off Teamspeak with you and since your gonna stick with the week ban, you are going to use an IP scrambler and supposedly VPN code or something like that, and use a different steam account.
    That's not against the rules, I am totally allowed to use another steam account.

    I didn't say I'd stick to the week ban, you're just making everything alot worse for me with teamspeak.

    I don't see why'd you all have to make such a big problem out of something such little.

    I still didn't see any warnings, you can't expect me to read every word that's written in the chat.

    To be honest, you really **** me off, I'd appriciate it if you stayed away from this case, and some other moderator would takeover.


    Edit: Thanks to you Quarantine, so ain't I just banned, I am also banned from TeamSpeak.

    Edit 2: You told him to ban me, that shouldn't be allowed, if you'd like to ban me then you should stay for the ban, not some other moderator.

  2. Constant mic-spamming and trolling
    1. I weren't spamming on the mic, I weren't speaking on the mic.

    2. I weren't trolling in-game.


    Please give 1 damn proof of me saying a trolling sentance in-game.


    ---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------


    About the admin chat spam, I honestly didn't realise that I spammed that much, because I was so frustrated.

    I am sorry Peechis, and neither did I see your warning, which [xG] Daniel prooved.

    Because 1, I don't read the chat that often. 2, I was probably on the Steam browser.

  3. From what I know, you were spamming admin chat "RICK JAMES" and doing other stuff.
    Yeah, it's so frustrating when mods doesn't listen, even though, I didn't really get it myself, that I spammed it 5 times like [xG] Daniel is prooving.

  4. [xG:M] Quarantine spoke to me and told me that part of the ban had to do with me freekilling him and lieing about it. But he won't understand that he can't bring that back, because I have already taken my punishment for it. With a 1-week CT ban.

  5. Member Name: Soiarn


    Your In-Game Name: [xG] Soiarn | #1Rebeller


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35539311


    Ban Reason: I have no idea, and I swear to god, all I was doing was playing totally normal. I was a terrorist all the time, since I am CT banned, and I didn't do anything else than what I usually do.


    Unban Reason: Because I want to continue playing this game.


    Banned by Admin: Psycho

    Reason: Incessant

    Time: 1 Week Ban


    I guess he banned the wrong person.

  6. +1 to kick him out of xG .. we dont need anyone like this representing the clan..
    Why can't you just admit that you made one little mistake, and maybe binked your eyes at the exact moment that guy spinned? Is that so hard, to just admit that you're not perfect, and neither is any other human being.

  7. If you say no I'm going to hurt you


    Download @ UppIT ITS SIMPLE!

    I <3 it, just spellcheck my name once more.

    And then post a new one pl0x :D


    Edit: If it's not TOO MUCH to ask for, so would I prefer a picture of Napoleon Dynamite or w/e his name is.