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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by KingJ

  1. I've known this guy since I first started playing, hope to see you on TS once in awhile. Even though he abused, I admit I laughed.
  2. KingJ


    LOL I didn't even realize, good eye soldier.
  3. War will never stop, this one was useless just like Vietnam.
  4. KingJ


    +1 because he knows the MOTD well and has matured since those incidents. I've met him when i first joined the server in June and haven't had a problem with him yet.
  5. Good to have you here bud.
  6. KingJ

    Censorship Bill

    Here's an article that may help you guys understand a little bit more of this ridiculous bill. How SOPA Affects Gamers: SOPA Will Pass Unless You Help
  7. KingJ

    Finals Anyone?

    Got a 100 on my med term final. [ATTACH]1054.vB[/ATTACH]
  8. Don't worry young prince, skyrim won GOTY but it doesn't matter because its the VGA's
  9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Nice user score, they must really like to satisfy their customers. The VGA's are a popularity contest and a joke, i mean they gave portal 2 multiplayer of the year. They could careless about actually judging a game, they just care about airing the show so they can show more advertisements. COD fans can have fun with their dropping franchises and 1 award, while Battlefield "fags" have fun with their 40+ awards and entertaining gameplay.
  10. KingJ

    ddosing illegal???

    Denial-of-service attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Computer Fraud and Abuse Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It is illegal.
  11. I am one of the division leaders. How may i help you?
  12. KingJ

    Vga 2011

    Lol at MW3 best shooter
  13. KingJ

    Exclusive kermit hat

    Than it won't be so personal.
  14. He reminded me of my genocide freedays. +1
  15. Is it bad if I understood this?
  16. ^^^Billy explained it pretty damn well, so can we all just shut the ♥♥♥♥ now?
  17. Inb4 shitstorm of no proof.
  18. KingJ

    good laptops?

    Lol, blood I agree with you that alienware is high quality, I love mine. But, the customer service is worse than a ghetto taco bell.