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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. I say +1, he's changed, you guys let me back in after my week ban after I trolled constantly.. I mean he was probably more harsh than me, but in reality, everyone deserves another chance. So +1, he's active and knows the rules.

  2. Well, I joined the community and was actively playing in July, and then I got into xG, kicked out, got in again, but kicked out again, then got in again and got banned for a week, then I changed my ways and I've been in it for about a month or so now as a member. I've been here for overall like 4-5 months.

  3. +1, you really need to not let Spiderpig be your jr, he's a little troll and he's not a happy camper. +1 because you know the rules and are active even though I haven't seen you that many times.

  4. It's a good feeling being able to control all of those prison scum. I had a mic for the longest time, an 80 dollar mic at that, but I was playing on a really shitty laptop and it wouldn't like let my mic run without lag, but then I invested into buying a desktop and so I did, and now I can speak perfectly, call warden whenever I want, etc etc. It's a great feeling to be able to interact with the others without having to type..

  5. +1, you're a good guy and a mature guy. I think you need to work on the anger a bit and not let your emotions get the best of you. Other than that, +1. Ignore the trolls, ignore the retards, just pay attention to the game and try to give good impressions. Be the best member you can be by not being an angry member, being angry is bad. If you wanna become a moderator, you can't let your emotions get in the way of stuff.


    It's funny that we use to dislike each other, but you're alright. Just yeah work on the anger and stuff and you'll be a good moderator. :x

  6. lol i NEVER call warden lol thats some bs... ask anyone im a warden whore... and i DONT care to admit it...


    and stop trying to be Innocent u always ♥♥♥♥ing say ♥♥♥♥ to me too so dont bs everyone...


    Proof? I don't see any proof, so I guess I didn't. Regardless, even if I have said stuff to you, it wasn't then. I didn't say anything to you and you came at me. You need to stop getting so butthurt.

  7. i dont think he wants him banned. he most likely wants some1 to sit down with his stupid ♥♥♥ and make him get NOT TO DO THIS HE ♥♥♥♥ING DID ALMOST THE EXACT SAME THING TO ME YESTERDAY FOR NO ♥♥♥♥ING REASON.


    This lol, I don't want him to get banned or kicked out, I just want him to shut up and start respecting the members and to stop being a stupid troll.

  8. lol u would chicken... i rarely troll him he just annoys me cause he complains 24/ fing 7 and he is a pretty bad warden and ive been freekillled by him a lot and i let it go... ur a bad warden and u do the same thing everytime 1st r last r then spray contest... im the only one with balls to say anything... i should put of the stuff u said about me... so u have no right to say anything about me... and dont forget when u were warden u said someone freekill aragon and they did... so im not the only troll..


    the funny part is UR the only person in XG who i HATE... everyone else is cool idk why ur not


    Trolling someone = balls to say something? Sure kid. Stop being such a troll and learn to calm down. I don't care if you hate me, you're the one being annoying by saying this kind of immature stuff. I don't care if I'm a bad warden, last time I checked it's a prison game, are wardens technically suppose to be good? You claim I freekill you, but I don't recall. I don't care about your opinion about me because you're an obvious troll.


    I am cool, you just decide to hate on me for some stupid reason. I never said anything to you and you just came at me randomly. If you can give me some proof and show me the bad things I said about you (If I did) then go ahead and maybe I'd change my perspective. I don't really complain that much, I just complain about stupid people breaking rules and stuff and when people don't give orders and things that bug me that I'm getting freeshot or freekilled.


    You say "I'm not the only troll" admitting that you're a troll. I'm not a troll, If I did say that, it's probably because I knew no one would do it and it was a joke and you just didn't understand the humor of it so it's understandable. I barely say anything to you so you don't have any authority trashing me like this. You say stupid things to me when I don't even say anything to you. You should grow up bro.

  9. i know both and Chicken WAS a troll, but I've never such ♥♥♥♥ from lord aragon :S i have to agree with Duckii warn and watch him ♥♥♥!


    He just trolls me because of the fact he doesn't like me. It's getting quite annoying so I do hope that admins and mods crack down on him.