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Posts posted by Chickenlips

  1. Mk this will be dealt with, People just get mad when they dont get warden lol..

    So if anyone sees Lord tell him he is to stop disrespecting or face consequences :D


    Well it wasn't the fact that he didn't get warden, it's just that he doesn't like me and tends to insult me for no particular reason. He never calls warden, so I don't get why he has the right to critisize other people on them being warden.

  2. Member Name: Chickenlips


    Player's Name: [xG]LordAragon


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40496359


    Ban Request Reason: He constantly trolls me for no reason, he always whines that I suck and that I'm a bad warden. It's just annoying having to deal with stupid people like this that have no respect for other players.


    Proof: Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

    Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

    Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting


    I'm getting sick of his stupid remarks and bad trolling, people like this shouldn't be in xG.

  3. Wow,some people SERIOUSLY need to read the mod submission rules. "YOU MUST HAVE DONATED FOR AT LEAST 1 HAT PACK". Dont apply for mod if you havent. im at 0 for now


    Uh I just checked the rules, said nothing related to hat packs. I don't see why you wouldn't vote just because of that anyway. If a person deserves mod, you +1 them. Simple as that. If they don't, -1 them.

  4. ---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------




    See i don't get where people think he is trolling he has changed and before i never saw him really trolling


    I use to majorly troll back in the day, those ban requests are mad old except for the one Tarin put on me like almost a month ago. I changed my ways after that ban, and I think I'd be a great mod, people just need to realize that I changed.

  5. Not trying to be a ♥♥♥♥, but we can't forget about all of this which wasn't that long ago. Sorry -1, try again in a month or two and show to us that you're ready for mod.


    chickenlips (scrub)

    [xG] Chickenlips [T+C]

    Chickenlips (Yes, Again)


    [xG] Chickenlips [T+C]

    [ban Protest] Chickenlips (scrub)

    [xG] Chickenlips [T+C]


    I did change a lot, regardless I know my past. If you don't think I'm worthy of being mod, so be it. I understand and I'll accept all criticism and opinions. No problem.

  6. Just to state this you haven't been in the clan for 2 consecutive months idk if that matters or not


    I know, that's why I was considering not posting. I talked to DuckiiJr about it and he said go ahead, I don't know if he knew I was only in the clan for like 2 weeks. I've been part of the community for months though. If it really matters that much, Aegean or an admin can close the thread and I'll apply again when I can.

  7. Member Name: Chickenlips


    In-Game Name: [xG] Chickenlips (eZpZ)


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41973414


    Age: 15


    Donated: No


    Other information: I have been around the clan since about July. I know I've had a bumpy road before, but I've cleaned up my act by far. I think I would be a great mod. I'm EXTREMELY active, and I know the rules more than a lot of people. I think I would be a great addition to the clan of mods. I have 11 days played on jailbreak (like i said i'm very active). I hope you guys consider giving me a chance to prove that I would be a great moderator. I pay very close attention to what happens when I die, I see numerous freekillers and such but I can't do anything about it. I'll also enforce the rules whenever possible. Thanks guys!

  8. e.z kill i was talking to tarin lmao i forgot to put a period after your name, i was jut saying i saw you and smoker saying that tarin trolled alot and shouldnt even be a mod he wasnt on for the 2 months b4 he applied and lots of ppl dislike him for certain reasons

    and chickenlips i never see you on man. so dont even -1 me if you dont even see me. read the ♥♥♥♥ing vouching + app by duckkii b4 vouching bro.


    ---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------


    "You said you've been here since September and I've barely seen you play. -1"


    There should be no -1 on any app at all with the following reasons - "Haven't seen you" - "Not Active" - "Told by another member" - "Asked me to vouch" ect.

    (more may be added soon)

    There is no reason for you to because any of these reasons. I would like to ask you a question - Have you had time to talk with this person or played with him/her for sometime?


    If you could read, you'd be able to see that I also -1'd because when I have seen you, you trolled and were obnoxious. I have seen you play.

  9. -1. Just because ________ got X amount of chances doesn't mean everyone gets X amount of freebies. I forgot who said this before but he said that if we are going to keep this server healthy we need to get rid of all the riff-raff and let the trolls know that they will get 0 leniency.


    On top of that, he has has a history of trolling and this is not something that will change. His apologies are so half-assed; he's not even making a good effort all he is doing is pouring out fake sympathy and overemphasizing how sorry he is. It time to law down the law and I am glad that we have come to this decision.


    Let the trolls stay trolls elsewhere.


    I think everyone deserves a second chance. I've trolled worse than him making the whole server mad at me, yet I'm still here. I don't think he should get permed, just a week or two week ban to let him realize what he's done then let him come back and learn from his mistakes.

  10. Sounds good. I'll do that right now :P

    That still won't solve the issue. We need another person like I to help us expand!


    Well until then, you can shorten the stress by getting rid of some of the useless servers. Then expand when you have that person to help you.

  11. When I first joined xG you were nothing but a ♥♥♥♥ to me, and you were part of the reason I left. Every time I would get on you would insult me and try to troll me.


    I don't remember this. I can agree that I was a major troll back then, but I don't think it was me who was doing that to you. I never trolled you. I remember when you first joined, but I never said anything harmful to you. I changed my ways so I'm not like that anymore. I still don't remember when I was doing that though.

  12. This whole argument could have been averted. You cannot -1 someone because you do NOT see them. Please read the stickies next time. Thank you.


    I know I already understand this. So I'll just put a 0 then and not vote. I'm still saying that I never see her so I don't know if she deserves it or not. When I have seen her in the jailbreak server she's trolled but idk that was probably a while ago. I'll just change it to a 0.

  13. If you don't know me and you don't play on the servers with me, what gives you the right to -1? You're basically saying that I can go onto the Member Submission area and -1 people I don't even know.


    You're saying that people with common sense should -1 me, but you don't know me, and they do. What don't you understand about that? Not a single person in this thread had -1'd me if they've played with me a lot and gotten to know me.


    When I met you, you were a complete and total ♥♥♥♥ and trolled everything that moved. Why would I get on the servers and be nice to you? You've always been a ♥♥♥♥ to me, just because I'm a girl. You're a sexist ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and you think any girl who has an internet connection deserves to be trolled into the ground.


    I don't see how I'm sexist. Only thing I said remotely sexist was the panties in a wad thing. Like I said before, I've barely talked to you. My trolling days are behind me, I don't even bother with that anymore because I've been banned on multiple occasions. I don't think girls should be trolled into the ground. I don't even troll girls who come on the server. I've never trolled you so I don't know where you're getting that. I've just seen girls get trolled for coming on a game like this. If I've ever trolled you, that was probably months ago. I don't bother with that kind of stuff anymore.


    I have no problem with you, so stop saying I do. This thread is pointless for me to post in anymore, regardless, I still -1 just because I haven't seen you that much.

  14. He has seen me, and whenever he has he's been a ♥♥♥♥ to me. He's seen me, but he neglects to speak to me without trying to make me feel bad about myself, or want to stop playing.


    He's not -1ing me because he hasn't seen me or I'm not active, he's doing it because he's disliked me from the start and has never even given me a chance to speak to him without him ignoring me or just being a complete troll.


    What? I never admitted to even disliking you. When I first came in here it was my intent to -1 because you aren't active on the jailbreak servers.. I don't personally hate you. I have nothing against you. I've seen you troll before, but that has nothing to do with it. My intent was to -1 because of activity. I don't make you feel bad about yourself.. What the hell? I've barely even talked to you, this is the most I've ever spoken in your direction. I have nothing PERSONALLY against you, it's just the way I felt about the application.

  15. remove the non-populated CSS and TF2 servers, keep dustbowl and payload in tf2, and in CSS keep jailbreak, minigames, surf and pub. That should definitly help you manage a bit if anything.


    I was going to say the exact same thing, remove the servers that aren't extremely active like jailbreak, minigames and surf, etc etc. Should help a bit.

  16. You don't know me, and you never play with me. Why would you have the authority to -1 me? Explain why anyone with common sense would -1 me. Explain it.


    And nobody even asked you to +1 because I'm a girl. Nobody on this thread has even done that because I'm a girl. How exactly do you know what you're talking about if everything you've said on this thread is just non-sense?


    You being barely active is enough for me to +1. I don't have the authority to -1 you? It's called an opinion. What do you think these things are about? If I didn't have freedom to choose what I wanted to do, they wouldn't have an option to +1 or -1.


    When you are on, I've seen you troll and stuff also. Saying you can handle trollers and griefers yet Trifdign puts up a whole thread with you calling us faggots because you can't handle it. Who cares but still, I have the right to my own opinion, so it stays at a -1. Derp.

  17. I can handle trolls and griefers just fine.



    I definitely don't freekill anyone but my personal friends, and we're just joking around. I freekill Xavien sometimes because we're friends, but other than that I never freekill unless it's an accident. You still can't get it through your thick head that when I said I won't be banned, it was for the specific reason that someone brought up, and I can assure you that I wouldn't have been banned for minor trolling. I'm not stupid, I don't think I have immunity.




    I haven't seen a single person that I don't know personally +1, just get out of this thread considering you have no clue what you're talking about right now.


    How do I have no idea what I'm talking about? Half of the people that +1'd you are people who probably know you personally and that you regularly talk to, anyone with common sense with -1 you. No offense to anyone, I'm not gonna +1 you just because you're a girl. I barely see you on, I think other people deserve mod more than you. Calm down and don't get your panties in a wad. I still have no idea how I don't know what I'm talking about.

  18. You guys are pathetic, stop giving women on the internet so much goddamn attention.

    I'll keep my vouch to a 0 because I haven't really seen you anywhere.


    This. Only reason people are probably +1ing is because she's possibly a girl. Seems stupid to me. She doesn't deserve it as much as others.