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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. June 29th, I gotta get in shape now and too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on I'll do 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, there will be no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on it'll be total organization; every muscle must be tight.




    I LIVE(D) by this shit



    #5. "Pick a number between 1-9." The only reason I could see indefinate is if the computer chooses 2.00000000000002


    #6. Wrong. You have 2 apples. I'm calling bullshit.

  3. 1. 11

    2. 4

    3. Your speed

    4. Spoon + Fork = Spork

    5. 1/5 chance of matching

    6. 2 on your hand

    7. 0

    8. He rode his horse named Friday.

    9. You don't bury survivors.

    10. Memories

  4. Project x isnt the movie you wanna watch if you want a movie with a plot or a story or anything like that, its just plain fun, i liked it. its really chill and makes you laugh a lot.

    also, if you wanna see hot girls watch project x. holy shit.


    As I said, it's for the dumbass general public :P

  5. 1. There are 11

    2. 4

    3.The car's foward velocity drops, and the items being carried can quite possibly be dropped out of the car depending on thier current state, which is not mentioned in the question so we have no idea of knowing what it is.

    4. Spoon + Fork = Spork

    5. There is a 9 matching out 45 possible combinations, which simplifies to 3/15, which simplifies to 1/5 chance.

    6. 2 apples

    7. Question is not specific enough. Although, assuming after all the birds had flown away after hearing the retort of the shot/the bird crying out in pain, there would be none left on the fence, and one possibly dead bird on the ground.

    8. The horse's name is friday.

    9. You don't bury survivors, they'd be alive.

    10. Memories


    I do believe I win :P

  6. I resign my adminship from xG on this rainy saturday morning. I've been spending a lot of time doing things I didn't have to worry months ago such as a new group of friends, getting my liscence, financial problems (paid $300 for a new set of brakes), grades/school, college applications, et cetera. and skyrim :P


    I'm not leaving xG, but I'm getting rid of my powers...for now. I might apply eventually for moderator again, but after the metaphorical smoke clears after school ends in June. Then again, I applied for 5 jobs (Bob's, Walgreens, Target, and 2 local diners, all of which have yet to get back to me after 3 weeks.) after quitting my previous jobs. I can't get on the computer as often because my brother dropped out of college and is living with us again.


    I'll be removing all of my xG steam friends I don't talk to on a routine/occasional basis.


    Love you guys <3


    P.S. I'm not joining any other clans haha so don't get worried.


    P.P.S. I'll still be active on the forums/css, just not as much.


    P.P.P.S. Damnit now I have to make a new avatar :( I'm thinking of changing my name to Gomorrah permanently.

  7. Fuck, I forgot to +1 after you left aMity, my bad.


    +1 I've known Quarantine since I joined xG. He's the first moderator I got to hate me XD


    He's a good kid and knows the rules. Why not give him a second chance?

  8. I'm confus, did he hack on our servers?


    But since I didn't see it, +1 because I've known Mr.Shhhlippery for a while in xG. He was a good moderator and was always active. Plus he makes cool montages on youtube.