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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Incorrect. Just hit Shift+tab to open up the steam menu. Then hit web browser at the bottom left hand part of the screen. You can browse the web without tabbing out of CSS :D


    You're welcome :3

  2. What kind of random name is songful1mp454 XD


    And do you play on our jailbreak servers? I haven't seen you on :/


    ---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------


    NEvermind, I'm playing with you right now :D


    +1 good player, no problems, seems mature

  3. Fuck y'all bitches not telling me how to join you guys :P Fuckin' a, I was on for half an hour trying to join and you guys kept ignoring me. Whatevs, though, I aint mad.


    Btw how did someone already take the names: Heisenberg, Carissimi, and Gomorrah. Wtf :.(

  4. Ok, think of it like this:

    If a person gets caught for having a gun, they get a very minor jail sentence (idk how realistic this is) and if they are caught again, they will get a longer sentence! This is how it works and it works very well!


    If a person is caught having a gun during a search without proclaiming it, it would be considered a misdomeanor. In most states you'll just get fined or have extra time tacked onto your sentance if combined with resisting, but if judge is a dick, then you will probably get a month or so in county plus a year or so on probation. Carrying a firearm in public (causing people to freak out, but not used in a threating mannor) would get you charged with "disturbing the peace", which can either be an infraction or a misdemanor depending on how it's handled by everyone.


    However, a felon cannot own a gun under any circumstane (granted they weren't expunged or passed the statute of limitations), and will result in a minimum sentance of 1 year in prison. If the weapon is used in another crime (such as armed robbery or muder II), then the sentance will be exacerbated.


    Now you know how felony gun laws work for the most part!

  5. Anyone read books here? I've been reading Steven King and HP Lovecraft short story compilations. I like them a lot, but King has either really good or bad stories, and Lovecraft is just such a pain in the ass to understand. Has anyone read the Hunger Games? That sounds like a good read.

  6. Ok, first map, I cannot add it since it only support 32 players and that means only 32 karts so I can't do anything. In the FUTURE section it says he will add 40 slots so we will just wait.

    That JB map is small and cramped :S


    I see your point about the JB map, but since when do we ever have 30+ players on MG :P

  7. , it's been long enough, we don't need to be this childish. We're mostly adults/teens here, we should start acting like it. They should be unbanned, or atleast most of them (Excluding Drank jr & some others for obvious reasons).


    Exactly what EZ said. +1