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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. WOW DUDE. WOW. I wasn't going to +1 you because I thought I never saw a Sporky on >.< Turns out I know you as The Dark Knight With A Spork. Well anyway, +1 because I love you so much. You've never broken a rule when I was on, and you constantly take videos of rulebreakers. You'd make a fine addition to xG, good sir.



  2. Warning: This thread is all spoilers.


    SO GUISE. Walking Dead. Fo'real.


    Shane breaks Randall's neck AND THEN he becomes a zombie??? WTF! That's straight outa Dawn of the Dead. "When there is no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth."


    I can see how Shane could have been infected by Rick's knife that he stabbed zombies with, but that still wouldn't explain Randall.


    Also, when's that bitch in the barn going to turn into a zombie? Remember, the one that was scratched really bad by her grandmother after Shane opened the barn?


    Also also, that huge group of zombies going to the barn will probably FUCK SHIT UP. Next week's episode is going to be sweet!

  3. Yeah -1, you've been lying about your age the whole time (including your mod submission where you said you were turning 17).


    As for the girl part, you do do a really good girl impression, and I have no problem with that. Monica is my favorite though. But the problem comes where you use it to try to get what you want, and trolling other kids in game. Towards your last xG tour, you did troll quite a lot.


    I hope your IRL friends find out you act like a girl online lol

  4. Ughhhh guys I cant decide what to do. My friend owes me a favor, and I can either borrow Skyrim or get a ride to somewhere I need to go from him. We're moving out for different colleges in July. OR I could buy Skyrim or Battlefield 3 for the 360. I was holding off on BF3 because I heard the PC version is much better, and I wanted to upgrade my computer to run it. My dad won't let us upgrade the computer to Windows 7 because "he likes XP more". So I can either wait 3 years until the computer dies and we upgrade to Windows 8 and get BF3, or get it on the Xbox 360, and purchase Skyrim now.


    I have $108 in my wallet, which I kind of need to increase my preps.


    Edit: Today I'm spending $8 going to see a shitty movie, and probably $6 more on food. So $94 is more like it

  5. Ever since the 1.2 update, I can't connect to the servers. I somehow managed to connect to creative once, but it was a new world and was horribly griefed.


    ^Btw please change it to "vanilla" instead of the misspelled "vinnila"


    ^Connecting to oc.survival


    ^Connecting to creative


    I'm not sure if the problem is the servers or if it's on my end. What do? :S

  6. No, Dota 2 is going to be a full release. Which I think is pretty dumb because it feels just like the first one.


    It's a really good game. VERY complex. Too complex for me to "get into". I suck at it realllllllllly bad. My match was an hour and a half stalemate, and I had a k/d/a of 0/7/5. All I did was farm monsters. It seems that no matter what character I play that has just owned the shit out of me, I still managed to get owned by a different character.


    As I said, it's too complex for me to get into. That doesn't mean it's not a bad game, no no. It requires a bunch of skill. A whole bunch of skill. Way too much skill. And a lot of time. It's not really my game. I never get the feeling I can hold anything down. I think this is because I can't build legit structures/defenses. They made it this way so you can use teamwork, but you see, my teams (including me) had no idea what we were doing and got raped by gay ass clans. I had forgotten everything from Dota, and it came and bit me in the ass.


    Still a really good game though if you know wtf you're doing. I didn't, and I had an ok time. Just not a great time.