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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Is there any way we can impliment things like this? Sometimes if there are no admins/mods on people get away with bull**** like mic spamming, freekilling (not mass freekilling), or gun spamming. I try to contact mods and admins but they don't always get back to me so the players and I are left taking bull**** that would only be solved using the forums. But things like vent shooting or blantant freekills have no notice and last for a nanosecond, so I doubt anybody is going to use the GB's to record thier whole session. I think voting could be an easy way to get rid of trolls for a day or a few hours, as long as 1/2 the people agree with it. Constructive critisism? GOGOGOGO Troll this thread? Okay.jpg
  2. Heisenberg

    I need help!

    silence is right. It'll probably go on sale around labor day for a "go back to school special"
  3. Heisenberg


    Alcoholics Anonymous ^problem solved. >:3
  4. Rexx you made me laugh my *** off sooooo much with your funny noises or quotes on HLDJ, but everyone else who used it would constantly spam things like **** YOU from tourettes guy which was annoying after the 4th time
  5. I'll +1 this for now, but if you mic spam I'll get pissed.
  6. Aren't you that guy who keeps getting muted for spamming HLDJ? And who the hell watches glee...really...
  7. You should go on 4chan, the /k/ board. There are a lot of threads like this. It's pretty much: Do what your higher ups say. Exactly. You can't **** up a single button on your uniform. Boot camp is a lot of hard exercise but mostly inspection this, inspection that. Some higher ups are nutcases. As one guy once said "This one crazy drill instructor made our 3 slowest runners drink this blue cleaning fluid and they threw up. I told the Military Police and he was booted out of instruction duty. Apparently this guy had done the same a few months ago but was still pending trial." But things like that are a 1/1 million chance. You should read that board sometime. P.S. I'm pretty sure he said that was the marines but I don't remember exactly.
  8. Heisenberg


    Hey Vero I have a **** load of coins my friend gave me. If you add me I'll give you some plus some armor and stuff I'm not using. It'll really help you get started. And plus your character stays the same in singleplayer/multiplayer, so whatever I give you in MP will go back with you in SP.
  9. How the F is Zapper555 in [xG]? He's the single most annoying little kid I ever played with, constantly screaming and mic spamming. At least KevinShady doesnt mic spam.
  10. -1, IMO that was a ******** kill. Plus Drank (billy mays) has been a great moderator and friend to everyone in the community and has more credability and seniority. I'm pretty sure you're the only person who ever had a problem with him (not going to wade through 30 pages of ban requests [silence please bring back search bar!!!! :( ]). We need him, and I dont think banning him as mod is justified. And it was only a 1 DAY CT BAN. You could have played as a T. You're going to remove his moderatorship after x months of great service just because he CT banned you for a day? Nope.avi
  11. +1. Being a childish butthurt person who constantly complains. No disrespect intended.
  12. Heisenberg


    +1. He's the most butthurt player I've ever met. He constantly complains about being trolled but trolls all the time and complains constantly. But I'm going to +0 this one instead. This should be in the member protest section.
  13. Heisenberg


  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Q0RhuWh3M My bro Zagnagma (the freekilled) made this. Y'all gotta see this.
  15. >I prefer greater than signs instead of dashes for my stories. >But that's just me BTW I love iron chef america. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls_8V56YKso saw this last week and laughed my *** off
  16. Heisenberg

    Mehtul gear

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwrPuCnNbv8 SNAKE. SNAAAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE?????????
  17. Heisenberg

    Bro hoof

    BRONIES4L *brohoof*
  18. ba_jail_stationx_v1d_fix (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA this might be it but I'm not sure
  19. oh when I play with him he talks so quietly no one can understand him
  20. Kick some ***, Daniel! Keep us updated on what it's like to be in a war :)
  21. +1 for ban. He talks over warden's orders waaaaay to much
  22. +1 he's a good reboobler and a nice guy
  23. +1 for ban. He uses semantics or technicallities to contantly get kills as a CT. He's too strict as a warden and has a BS "1 pixel" excuse to kill t's.