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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. CarissimiRBeast's_bottom_***** Might be kinda long tho :(
  2. o_o the language filter doesn't censor shitty???? Awesome
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Q0RhuWh3M&list=FL0aIQRIf6tw11LpF8E30k0A&index=20 Listen from 7:45 and tell me The Script is still better. Really. Gotta love mastodon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWOyfLBYtuU&ob=av2e I'm also secretely super girly. P.S. Duckii Jr. Your cat is so f'ing cute
  4. Heisenberg

    You like?

    Vivaldi wins again!
  5. I'm so white and polite that all dealers think I'm a narc. FEELS GOOD BRO
  6. CarissimiRBeast But you already made me mod because you're such a bau5
  7. Okay am I wrong here: Any person I see carrying traitor-only equipment (gravgun, ak47) I kill. How is that a "you didnt have proof" moment.
  8. Lol bolt action rifle rampage? Double barrell trouble?
  9. +1 played with him for a bit. Seems like a nice enough guy and follows the rules :)
  10. 17/ M /CT Come at me bro.
  11. Kevin how do you find these things O_O
  12. What are the mod commands?
  13. +1 He's a really bad CT and seems like one of those kids who's probably 13 and rages anytime he gets killed. Racism in a serious manner really isn't cool with me.' EDIT: I forgot how much he copypasta's "Warden dead ITS FREEDAY FUNTIME" or something like that, even tho warden isnt dead. It's such a BS tarp that confuses some t's. I hate him so much when he does this.
  14. Thanks duckii! :D and totally give me mod! I'll be on an hour or two about once a day. I'm tired of griefers griefing my house in the funnjunk server >.<
  15. Heisenberg

    You like?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av7peBiJRRc You should totally listen to vivaldi. **** YEAH TELL ME THAT ISNT SOME GOOD ****
  16. CarissimiRBeast is my minecraft name (someone mentioned a whitelist earlier). Gimmie IP!!! ^_^
  17. I'm still confused. So you have to order this through EA's website? Origin?
  18. Sierra Leone or Uganda. I donate to those places when I can. Sierra Leone got out of a brutal civil war over blood diamonds in 2002ish, and Uganda is having a **** time with the ******* Lord's Resistance Army, which is trying to overthrow the government, and funded by catholics and THE VATICAN. It's some total conspiracy ******** about the catholics trying to beat all other religions. I honestly don't see how the LRA isn't viewed the same as Al-Qaeda. [/rant]
  19. oh god I hate Al Capone sooo much. He doesn't follow any of the rules. He wont acknowalge me when I call him out for freekilling or shooting vents. He's an overall DBAG that does what he wants. +1
  20. +1 played with you a few times and you follow the rules