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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Most of the time its either gifts from my friends, except for the 1st & 2nd one, those were commissions.


    Fun fact: The 2nd one was by SqueegeeMonster, the person who does the art for LapFox Trax albums (Renard, Jackal Queenston, Mayhem, etc) If you don't know them, go listen to them, they are awesome :D

  2. Pic 3&4 he looks like a girl though.


    In the 4th one, my friend thought he was a girl so he drew her as a girl, then tried to fix it up after I told him he wasn't haha. Without the hood up he has long hair, probably that's why people think of that =P

  3. Don't know if anyone really cares, but just wanted to post some art of my fursona some of my friends made for me :) If you don't know what I'm talking about, its basically art of the character I use all the time as my forum icons, sprays, Steam icons, etc.


    My fursona's name is Xepher Sicarius, a pyromancer assassin, who is a jackal (inb4 Family Guy reference) So here's some other art












  4. I'm been trying to be active on the servers then being active on the fourms, I have been really busy with work lately and college and its been eating my spare time on here. I'm almost done with college and once break starts I'll be on the servers more often.


    Even if I'm on the servers I'm on usually the minigame or jailbreak. I suck at surf so don't expect me to be on there haha

  5. ^lol 1/3 are from that "Banned" game :PPPPP




    Most of his posts are from making pointless threads every day (No offense <3)

  6. At least you apologized for your actions, you don't see many people on XG who done goofed and apologize for it. Honestly though I'm a bit disappointed in you though cause I thought you were better then that :(

  7. +1 SHES HOT inb4 entire clan starts flirting with her thinking they will get laid IRL


    I think if someone would flirt with her, Snackbar would probably have kill someone in xG o.o


    I don't see why not? haha it's nice to have a girl on CSS other than ♥♥♥♥ing Canadia >.> +1


    So I guess Luka and Kelly don't count to you either? lol