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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Oh look...it's this thread again


    Seriously? I haven't been on all day, so what the crap did I do to you today? lol Also, you treat other people, mostly admin/mods like crap if you don't get your way, that's why people reject your apps.


    Also I approve greatly for a ban for Daz though

  2. i mean i was criticizing your logo. it looks more like HG rather than XG.


    Ahh, like I said, I'm probably going to make another one sometime since this one didn't take me long



    I Do good :3



    Google would like to have a word with you about 2 of those xg - Google Search


    Here's my entry that I did in 10 minutes. Simple, but I think its nice. Might do another entry



    PSD File: MediaFire


  4. +1 FOR MOAR FUWWY FWEEEEEEDAYS and maybe you can get furry hats on minecraft :O!


    Dude you don't know how bad I want a furry hat for CSS :D but make it like a fox tail or something instead.


    Or in my case a jackal tail :3 Silence..pwease with sugar on top?

  5. as pissed as i am, i will +1 because i know you deserve it. But you do act immaturely to me even when i do nothing wrong so watch it(mutters-son of a ♥♥♥♥♥ dont deserve ♥♥♥♥ lucky i helped him)








    jk! LOLOLOL


    Here's the thing with me, I go by the old saying "Treat others on how you want to be treated" so if you treat me nicely and such, I will be nice to you back. Act like a dochebag to me, I'll be a douchebag to you back. Now I do admit I sometimes act immature just for fun, shits & giggles, etc. and not to be a ♥♥♥♥, but if I ever did treated you like crap to you in the past, I deeply apologize for that. Now when there's stuff that needs to be done, I know when to be an admin & do it :)

  6. Ehhh I don't know dude, I remember back in September you were one of the people who went on another server and trolled them, and you also sometimes troll on our server as well. If you got mod, the trolling has to stop 100%