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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. cari, only a time lord can seal something away in the last great time war, ur not a time lord, hence u do not possess the technology nor the knowledge to properly seal something away in the last great time war without unleashing the horrors contained within it, like the nightmare child, the couldve-been king and his army of meanwhiles and neverweres, the deathsmiths of goth, the horde of travesties and the skaro degradations


  2. Can we make an official rules thread about forum rules and gravedigging? I'm not the only one, but I'm tired of seeing people spam up the forums so that they can get to 100 posts and apply for mod.


    My opinion guys: Don't rush to get 100 posts, Mod applications aren't going anywhere and its not a race to see who can get mod first. Plus it will look really bad on your part and people may think you only care about getting mod & not about the community. You know who you are who do this

  3. Give me my mod back before something really, really bad happens. Like i replace all the peanut butter in your house with old tuna fish, and unplug your fridge so that the next time you open it everything smells bad!


    Jesus Christ how horrifying
