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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. i hate ohio state my town is so gloomy becuase ohio state is bad this year (btw im sorry spider and duckiijr but its true they do suck)


    I live in Ohio & hate Ohio State lol

  2. Here's the thing with me, if your using it not as a racial slur like for example "Hey what is up my (nword here)" I'm fine, but if your being an ♥♥♥♥ and racist like "OMG you're such a stupid ♥♥♥♥ing nword cuntnugget" That's taking it too far


    Bad examples I know

  3. i say change it not remove, make it only so one or 2 ct's are allowed to be shooting the jumpers.


    Because some of the sucky CT's lately would defiantly listen to that, and if they do make a warden kill only game, kinda makes you look like a kill whore :c

  4. Welcome to the Let It Out thread. You are allowed to share most of whatever you want with the community, and are encouraged to do so.


    I got this from another forum site I belong on and I think that this thread will hopefully stop people just making pointless threads & people spamming threads that have little to no meaning (You know who you are...), so instead of just making 15000 different threads for 1 thing, just post it in here.

  5. 1. I could be nice and give it to ya, but I just blew most of my money on 3 games this week (Skyrim, Saints Row 3, & Assassins Creed Revelations)

    2. You didn't even say please. Tsk tsk tsk, selfish kids these days, most people are like gimmie gimmie gimmie

    3. Just ask for it for Christmas

    4. Do you really "need" it or you "want" it? There's a difference =P

  6. This whole thread is dumb. Think of it this way, if you saw a spray with two girls kissing each other (underage or not), you wouldn't really care. However, as soon as you see two guys kissing, you automatically say it's not pg 13.


    The only difference between a guy kissing a guy and a girl kissing a girl is the gender, nothing else. Tarin's spray is fine, it's pg 13 and in my opinion, it doesn't violate any rules whatsoever. I don't see why it would be offensive to a person unless they're a homophobe.


    Freaking this! This is why were friends Trif <3

  7. If your gonna act like that Panda, then you really don't deserve mod in my book. Sorry =\




    I agree with doublebuttass, vouching for mod isn't like for membership, it's a whole new thing and it's basically saying you can trust this person with powers and knows the right thing to do

  8. Were you mic spamming or something like that? I really can't judge this since I wasn't there but if you were and got muted for it, it sounds silly to put a aboose thread for a 5 second mute lol

  9. There are some ads already leaked for Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving where you start spending your money like there's no freaking tomorrow. Gotta say, Gamestop has some good stuff, specially the 360 deals & I'm tempted to get a PS3 now because of what deal it has.


    Best Buy: Best Buy Black Friday 2017 Ad, Deals & Sales | BlackFriday.com


    Gamestop: GameStop Black Friday Deals and GameStop Ad for Black Friday 2011


    Toys R Us: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/ToysRUs/scans.php?id=ToysRUs

  10. The T can easily run off and start a race by himself.

    Why do you think we have the rule about CT's have to be with the T's the whole time besides freedays? lol


    @@silence add rebel LR You get a m249 and how many ct's there is alive you get 100hp for every CT and some speed.

