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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Honestly, I think I deserve to have a chance at being mod as well because I'm an honest member on the site, very active on Teamspeak and usually on the server and help people whenever they need it. I respect the rules and I'm an extremely nice person on the server. Sure sometimes I can be very loud or annoying or sometimes even a little pissy with people, if they deserve it. Other then that, most people can probably say I'm a really nice person to talk and if I was a mod, I can try to settle problems without people getting all pissed off and raging about it. Like what Ben said, I've been a royal member to the clan as well & never left or even thought about it once


    Another thing is that once school starts, most of the mods/admins are in high school still, I'm not and while their at school, I could watch over the server while most are in school.


    Just putting in my 2 cents lol

  2. Yes I agree we need more mods, and I'm sorry about your deceased family member, honestly I'm sure no one knew about it before when you first mentioned it, but that's the thing & I'm going to be honest here. When people bring up something that hurts them in a game like CS:S, some people are gonna use that against you and try to get a reaction out of it.