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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Tag before acceptance


    I don't think you know, but its a common mistake cause people think that you wear the tag when you get added to the steam group.


    Anyways, +1 for the dude. Give him some slack people, its not like he was impersonating one of the members, plus he donated about $40-50 to the server. He should get a chance

  2. +1 i have seen an improvement in rexx, hes stopped the bulk of the trolling that he did, but he still has a bit of work to do. rexx if u do happen to get mod, the trolling will have to stop immediately and at once, cause u would be a mod and u would be representing xg on the jb server and on other servers that u play on, the last thing we would need is ppl thinking that our admins are douches to others


    This completely. I've seen improvement as well, but like he said, if you get mod, its gotta stop.


    Oh & +1

  3. you keep B U M P ing this thread, it is very anoying, stop it


    But you making 10000 different threads is A OK? lol and just because he did sign thing for xG doesn't mean he stole the idea from you =P


    Anyways, +1 from me to you :3 Your a cool guy & would be a great addition to the clan