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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. In my opinion if it can't be said in game, it shouldn't be said on here as well. The N word doesn't offend me either, but might to some to other people. Better safe then sorry right?

  2. Like the mods and admins say in game, if they didn't see it, they really can't do anything about it =\ and like Aaron said, this isnt really worth a server ban. I've seen Wolf play in the server plenty of times before, he's not that bad of a CT, sorry but -1

  3. Might as well post my schedule


    I have class on Monday & Wednesday from 9:30-10:45 & another one at 2-2:50

    Tuesday & Thursday is 11-12

    Friday is just at 2-2:50


    Other then that i"m usually on the times I don't have classes