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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. While on the subject and I'm going to be honest. Sometimes girls are just es who just uses some people. There was a girl I had a huge crush on a long time ago in high school and I did everything for her, but she kept going back to her on again off again boyfriend who treated her like crap. Whenever she had a problem, she always went to me for help and being the nice guy I am, I helped her. Sometimes, its just not worth it finding that one girl, but someday you will find that one girl who is special to you.


    Anyways, if you don't have a homecoming date, just go to it with a group of friends, that's what I did senior year & had a blast with them =)

  2. Hello there, very nice to meet you! My name is Pyro, or you can call me Furry. I'm a mod on the CSS server and one of the active members in game. Like what Serbian said, treat people like how you want to be treated, don't be a , and have fun! If you need any other questions, please feel free to contact any of the mods, admins, division leaders, or Aegean & Silence & we will be glad to help you out :)


    Hope you enjoy!

  3. by the way Mephisto also trolls and whines constantly. Might want to consider him also

    He's already on probation, and if were talking about other people who constantly troll & whine, I can consider someone, but if you know me, you know who I'm talking about ;)