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Posts posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. Well by no means does it make u , So don't worry your in the clear, Now with this being said please take naked pictures of this women, and share them with your fellow clan mates


    I'm pretty sure taking it up the is homosexual to the 10th degree.


    But if you are into that sort of thing, who are we to judge? Just please don't post pictures of it on here.

  2. Learn to hide it better. 'Luck' favors those who are prepared and if you are gonna do illegal you need to be smart about it.


    Honestly I know a lot of my friends whose parents are really anal about drugs and and they don't understand that marijuana isn't that bad of a substance, and they all made the critical mistake of saying " you" to their parents and they paid the price.


    If you want to keep a good relationship with your mom+dad just play it cool for awhile and wait till things cool down since they are on high alert; if you get caught smoking in a week or two its all over for you so just play your cards right and don't do stupid .



    As for what you did with your girlfriend... yeah that's kind of out of their control

  3. The most important thing for a warden is to lead. What does that mean? On Jailbreak, Leading effectively more often then not is paying attention to the CTs as much as you are paying attention to the Ts, and to command them to maximize the teams effectiveness.


    Usually when I'm warden, I have the most kills because I know exactly what to lookout for and I always make it a point to let my team know that they are supposed to kill people that are doing ________. Most of the time CTs are too hesitant to kill either, more often than not because they weren't even paying attention to my orders. By telling them specifically (in team chat), it makes it much easier to weed out the rebellers. And then people start getting scores higher than mine.


    Its about more than that though, you have to watch the CTs and make sure they aren't baiting or doing stupid , and if they are either warn them, cover them, or ask the admin to slay/restrict them. But usually, its enough to say "CT's GTFO of their way cause I'm gonna send them towards ________" and warn them before hand and things usually go by much more smoothly. If there are 5 CT's derping around on the couches and you tell the T's to bumrush couch game and they all get M4's or AK's, you cannot cry "OMFG STUPID CTS" cause in reality, its you who really ed up.



    Be more alert and mindful. If there are seriously stupid CTs on, either lead them like a warden should or tell the admin


    Communication is our greatest asset! Learn to communicate

  4. Sniper for many reasons


    1) It's the best way to demoralize the other team. Nothing makes you rage harder than getting sniped by that cocky looking Australian taunting you in kill cam. Angry people play shittier, for the most part


    2) It's the most fun. Hands down getting those headshots on the scouts jumping on the rooftop in 2fort or on the rival snipers. And then when you hear the fanfare going when you start dominating them... pure joy.

  5. Things I wanna see=


    1+2) Sofia Vergara's Boobs aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_10_3.gif.0478fb335c7ff76a98a1a17ff5bd5a7d.gif

    3) Enforcement of what I like to refer to as the "No Balls CT Restriction Rule", which basically stipulates if the Balls have Not Dropped, Do Not Talk. Basically punishable by banning 'No Balls' (Kids aged 13 under or Men with low testosterone levels) from the CT team until they have either taken some steroids or started weightlifting


    4) A mic check after all the CTs get swapped over from the Terrorist team to ensure we catch any stragglers, as well as to keep the CT team full of mature people with mics to enhance communication and accountability. *By ensuring all CT's have microphones, it will be easier for admins to question them on suspect freekills*


  6. I don't know if reading the ban list makes me laugh at how unprepared people are to defend themselves, or cry at the fact that I've never seen a ban appeal successfully go through...

  7. +1 asswell. I haven't played with him much but from the limited exposure I've gotten from him, he seems like a decent enough player that he would be a good addition to our server.

  8. Yeah I had no idea this guy was 12 years old from the way he plays.


    Then again I've never hear him use his mic...


    If he has a naturally deep voice or he can fake it convincingly enough, i will +1.


    Until then, -1.

  9. What are you gonna stream this from? Justin.tv or some other format?


    Did you mean to include a link and the times you are gonna be playing?


    At any rate, I would like to hear...


    Camp Lo - Luchini


    That is all.

  10. [MEDIA=amazon]B005Q47M56[/MEDIA]


    Only for the PC version though. From what I've heard you can either ddl from Amazon or they send you a code redeemable through Origin.


    Would've posted it on the BF3 sub-forum but I think this will get better exposure


    ALSO: Map pack pre-order bonus is included

  11. Whats the situation on 'gunplanting' with Toyguns (guns emptied of all ammunition) for the STRICT purpose of games such as Deagle Toss for terrorists?


    I have had varying reports telling me that it is against the rules and some moderators who seam steadfast in ensuring that NO GUNPLANTING OCCURS EVER, regardless of the fact that when I do it, it is in EXTREMELY controlled situations.


    For example, a few hours ago I had finished killing off 30 terrorists (with the help of my expert CT team).


    We had 4 minutes left so I figured I would have the 2 remaining terrorists do a deagle toss to see who gets LR. I emptied the gun of all bullets but I was warned by an admin that it was against the rules


    So I would like an official word on this, what is the policy?

  12. Mostly see him on terrorist, and I never hear him use his mic. Based on that criteria alone I will say -1 for now until I see whether or not he will make a good impact on the community.


    Tl;dr : -1 until he uses his mic and wardens effectively