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Posts posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. Learning to respect authority is one of the hardest, and most rewarding, lessons I ever learned.


    Some people never learn and set themselves back.


    Learn from your mistakes and develop a thick skin and you will benefit greatly from it.

  2. Having been killed in the past for wardens forgetting their initial orders and changing them on the fly, or saying orders quickly to the point where you might not pick up on them, along with the fact that most of the time dead Ts who die off the start have to sit on their asses for a good 8 minutes before a new round starts, this isn't quite the best direction, im thinking.


    Yeah I should have phrased that better and made my intentions more defined. All in all, I'm tired of listening to trolls constantly scream out "REPEAT" and me feeling compelled to oblige them. From here on out, the Trolls will get no repeats; only lead sandwiches

  3. i hate vodka, the first time i drank i had at least 7 shots of vodka and i threw it up, ever since then i hated vodka lol


    This is the same reason why I never drink rum. I got into a drinking contest with a buddy of mine and we filled up a tall glass 50/50 C-Mo and Coke. I chugged that and I pretty much blacked out. I was so knocked out that I missed a huge fight that went on while I was sleeping like a ing baby. And throwing up. Sleeping and throwing up like a ing baby.

  4. My parents raised me with an iron fist.


    Any form of disrespect was met with either a firm slap to the face, a whack on the behind, or intense physical punishment.


    Homework was to be done immediately upon coming home. Dinner was to be eaten on time or not at all.


    Report cards were of the utmost importance. A's were expected. B+'s were excusable. B was a 30 minute lecture on hard work followed by a 50% chance of punishment. B- or lower; I was too scared to find out what would happen. I seriously thought they would kill me so I


    You always see in the media that the father is the strict disciplinarian and the mother is the kind and coddling one? NOPE. My father was the lesser of two evils. My mom was the heartless one. One time in grade school I pushed another kid on the playground and got sent to the principals office. She didn't say a word to me when she picked me up from school. When we got home she said that if I liked to push people so much then I could push all I wanted. She made me do pushups until I couldn't move. Tired, sweaty, and sore, I was then whacked with a wooden spoon and yelled at me to push more. I'll tell you what, I never pushed a kid down on the playground after that!


    The important thing to take away from all of this is the fact that I do not hate my parents for all of this. To be honest, I have nothing but the utmost respect and gratitute for how strict my parents were. For all of the hardships that I endured, there was always a prevailing lesson and reason behind all of it, a fact that they drilled into my head the entire time I was punished. As much as I disagree with abuse and 'beating' of a child; these acts are far removed from 'discipline' which to me, is a necessary responsibility of parenting


    Never once was I beaten out of anger nor would I even consider it abuse; I always knew that I was in the wrong when I used a cussword, when I gave my parents disrespect, if I didn't clean up after myself, or if I didn't perform well in school.


    You know what ended up happening? I was a good kid; I didn't mouth off to my parents when they told me to do something I didn't want to do, I did well in school, I stayed out of trouble (to the best of my parents knowledge), I go to college, and I have great respect for my parents.


    Too often did I go over my friends house and see them blatantly disrespect their spineless parents right to their faces and think "Wow their parents are ing spineless ". You cannot blame the Pitbull who was bred to fight for attacking a peaceful dog; and I do not blame (primarily) the child who grew up without strong leadership and parental guidance. Thinking about it no, I would never DREAM about telling my mother to " OFF" like some of my friends did because I know, even though she is only 5'4" and even though I have almost a 100 lb advantage over her, that she would whip me like a ing slave. And that's how it is supposed to be.


    Parents too often try and become their kids 'friend', only for it to backfire on them and results in a disobedient child who ends up rebelling, causing chaos, and ends up finding it much harder to adjust to the real world.


    My past having been explained, I would to hear from you guys; how did/do your parents raise you? Did they spare the rod and spoil you? Were they hard on you to make you stronger? Or are they simply abusive and you think that they suck ?


    This is not a place to judge one another, but I do think it adds a bit of depth to our understanding of one another and thus aids in our understanding of the community as a whole.

  5. awww.seetanianaked.com_wp_content_gallery_sofia_vergara_sofia_vergara_1129.jpg.c8545f1a98b941db38ed0051edb36977.jpg


    Basic: 18 years old (19 by the end of the month). Half German and Half Israeli. Currently major is undecided by I am leaning towards Economics and/or Financial Engineering



    -The first boob I ever touched was in the 6th grade when Meredith let all the boys on the basketball team have a go at her massive melons (thank God for Bovine Growth Hormone and early puberty).

    -My friends and I were responsible for a string of thefts and vandalism throughout highschool.

    -Out of the 5 man group of friends that I have known since I was in middle school, only me and one other person have managed to stay out of rehab/jail.

    -I threw a total of 11 parties at my house, and I was not caught by the police once.

    -I started smoking when I was 12 years old (recently quit!).

    -The first beer I ever drank was a Heineken when I was 8 years old (tasted like )

    -I've been playing Counter-Strike since I was 11

    -My first sexual conquest was a flat-chested Asian girl with mouth like a hoover vacuum.

    -I was elected to the Homecoming Court, but I didn't win King.

    -Pictures are unrelated.

    -I have done : Shrooms, Cocaine, Oxycodone, DXM, Salvia, K-pins, and Weed (obviously)

    -Over the course of my life, 4 women have tried to take advantage of me whilst I was drunk. I have successfully dodged every attempt on my dignity, and thus I do not believe anyone who uses alcohol as an excuse for a 'mistake' they have made. (looking back on it, I really should have let them LOL I'm just an )

    -I own, and use, a ShakeWeight



    -Downloading anything and everything. Torrenting is ing out of date and an inferior relic of the stone age.

    -Anime and Manga

    -Movies. I try and watch atleast 1 movie from IMDB's Top 250 every week.

    -Video Games. I have played most every single good computer game released in the past 4-5 years, or at the very least I had it installed on my computer. No MMO's because World of Warcraft is for faggots

    -Keeping my hobbies secret from everyone

    -Weightlifting and working out.


    more to come when I can regale you all with more stories of my misguided youth