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Posts posted by JimenyCrickets

  1. -1


    Read Trif's post about this . If you think about it, CT's usually always win against T's and the ratio is usually around 5 CT round wins to every 1 T win.


    It should be, IMO, equal.


    Bombs are just another step towards balance.

  2. In addition to someone refusing to open cells, if there is a mass freekiller I think we should slay all just cuz it will get the round over with and it will limit the QQ and butt hurt felt by the freekilled terrorists.


    Also, if there are too many people ing about getting warden and the round doesn't go anywhere, you should consider slaying all until they play nice and we can get a good warden going

  3. LoL is sweet if you have a pro champ like LUX with the killer lasers.


    But I'm waiting until Dota2 before I get into one of these games again.


    Maybe when that comes out you can give us lessons?

  4. If you are donating your own money, you can do whatever you want.


    I will say however, that most servers besides jailbreak have at most, 2 players.


    It is your money however and it is not my right to tell you what to do with it, I'm just advising that its probably a poor investment.

  5. -1. Bombs are fun as hell for both T's and CT's.


    Unless you are doing a gun check, the optimal distance is usually out of bombing range anyways.


    As long as you play smart and don't try and hover around the Terrorists, the bomb is perfectly balanced.


    On the other hand, if you notice a large smattering of derp CT's begging to die and you have the bomb armed; there is no greater joy than poppin' the Jihad.

  6. So you have found a loophole in the rules, you think this rule needs to be changed, and you are admitting that you plan on continuing to abuse this loophole?


    Seriously, don't. It just makes xG look bad if you do. Repeat your orders clearly and don't be an , especially if you have your tags on.

  7. Its very hard to make a judgement call on what you should do because every family situation is different.


    On the one hand, my family was very liberal with their use of physical force to discipline me; I was no stranger to the belt.


    That being said, I always understood exactly why I was being punished and I always 'hugged it out' afterwards with my mom or dad.


    Your situation sounds radically different; a motion such as choking is hardly ever conducive to good discipline, and despite what little I know about your family, I'm going to have to go out on a limb and say that your mother is a terrible person for choking you; be it for disciplinarian reasons or simply due to her own anger.


    I would seriously play things very carefully at this point, make note of whether your mother has a problem with alcohol or drugs, and seek help immediately. Something like this should never, and I repeat, NEVER ignored like it never happened because skeletons like this come out of the closet at the worst times.


    Best of luck to you friend, and remember: Everything in life is a learning lesson.

  8. To what purpose does it serve to require something like this to be reportable?


    SteamID's never change so you don't need to worry about an admin freekilling or abusing.


    Honestly this is just a more restrictive rule with a very overstated purpose; you claim that it makes it hard for you to differentiate who is in xG and who isn't, and yet the website itself registers an average of 700 xG members in game at any one time.


    I feel that this is unnecessarily prohibitive and doesn't really help you out in anyway except making it harder for people like me who enjoys smurfing names like "(7)CLASSICS" or "HUDSONS CAT".


    Plus, don't admins have a /whois function anyways?


    I'm not trying to call you out or belittle you since you must care about the server enough to want to change it for the better; that's not what is under question here.


    What I am more concerned about is the needless tacking on of more and more rules and the loss of more and more freedoms.


    ISNT READING MAGICAL????????????


    Seriously? Now you just look like a Derp.


    And I am not a derp LOL.

  9. I think a few rounds have to pass already before an RTV can even be called, making this rule also redundant.


    And honestly, why should there not be an RTV if the majority of the server votes for it? They are the 99%, don't be an oppressor of the proletariat.

  10. -1.


    I think the rules are fine the way they are. Honestly the only rule I think that is worth enforcing is the Camping Policy, the rest of the rules are redundant (especially the admin abuse policy) and pretty much already covered by the MOTD.


    I think what really needs to happen is that admins should not feel so threatened by the prospect of getting in trouble and/or 'abusing' because most of the time, even when you do your job right people will hate you for it anyways since the player base is mostly immature children anyways


    Tl;dr, if you don't already kick/mute/ban someone for admin abuse, you need to grow a pair. We don't need more rules telling admins what they can do, we just need them to realize that they have power and a responsibility to enforce a proper playing ground.

  11. -1


    Honestly I feel like moderators/admins should have the discretion to change their names or omit their moderator/admin tags because its easier to enforce rules when there is a an air of anonymity with regards to the rule-enforcers.


    For example: if you know that all moderators/admins must keep the :A or :M tag on at all times, and you see none of them in the server, then you know you have greater leeway to rebel.


    But if it is not readily apparent who is moderating, the fear that the rule-enforcer could be lurking around should prove a greater deterrent for potential rule breakers.


    Just my 2 cents.