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Posts posted by PiNoYPsYcHo

  1. Pick my build out of all these kiddos. AMD 8350 Best amd cpu on the market. Can out perform i5-2500k sandy bridge. Can buy a 2nd card if u ever wanna SLI.


    Cpu cooler is fking awesome and can oc 1.2GHZ without any hunch easily. Have the same cooler btw. Case is pretty huge because it's a fking HAF 912. So overall my build out of all these kiddos are better.


    AMD FX-8350, EVGA GeForce GTX 660, Cooler Master HAF 912 - System Build - PCPartPicker

  2. Wow wtf brian? This was really surprising for me man. Uggh, I just hope you fking still play with us nigguhs play some motha fucking horror maps and shit our pants! :D Stay gucci man and keep in touch!

  3. I hope to see you around sabrina :x we played dem pools yo! And dark rp from time to time. Good times. Good Times! And that one movie about the chinese fking girl who got pregnant @ a young age. LELELELE

  4. Hey guys it's me PiNoYPsYcHo. I've been on jail break from time to time but it seems that I haven't done a proper job including MOTD,DISCUSSIONS, and most of all CS:S relations. Do I still deserve to be in this kind of position as the CS:S division manager? Through out my xenogamers experience I've started playing in the jailbreak process. But i've been inactive due to the fact of no hub whatsoever.


    But i'll let the community I guess to decide if I should keep my status or not. (1 week poll)



  5. -1 we all know ur bunch of lies saying ur cousin used ur account when you had mod powers for cs:s. Now ur saying ur friend went into ur account and mass free killed. SEEMS LEGIT. So i'm gnna have to -1 this appeal and due to the fact u keep saying I ABUSED my powers when u kept spamming my msg box and skype which resulted to a week ban in forums and team speak.


    P.S I told him about the donation thing to get unbanned he just laffed like he didn't even care about getting unban in the 1st place. I was thinking one of the few ways to get unban and that didn't help at all.

  6. With new management comes new changes. I'm not going to speak on behalf of the other CS:S Division Managers, but depending on the severity of the ban, I give my opinion and vouch. I'm not here to discuss or argue, but merely to speak my mind. If anyone detests or disagrees with what I believe, then tough. It's what I believe, and it's my opinion. I don't recall who the past CS:S DMs were, but we aren't them. If you believe i'm doing a terrible job as a DM, then I guess i'm doing a terrible job. Enlighten me as to what I should be doing better, but keep in mind that i'm a lenient guy, and always will be. I'm lucky to have been one of few who had been considered to be promoted to a DM rank. If you can find someone else who could do a better job as DM, which i'm not arguing that you could, then go right ahead and suggest them for my position. I won't take it to heart. I don't know about the others, but I'm planning on being here for a while. With that in mind, any Ban Protest I've posted in, I personally guarantee that if they are unbanned and do something stupid that is punishable by perm, that I will be there to their next request if they ever plan on doing so. It is why I personally tell them in my post, that if they slip up one more time after being unbanned, they won't be unbanned again. Believe me when I say that, or don't, it's really up to you. Although I have to say, the lack of faith here is apparent. - Dat guy, Forest


    Amen brother! :D