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Posts posted by PiNoYPsYcHo

  1. It's pretty much self explanatory, I remember one of the co's saying free shooting was indeed a slayable offense. But as GKOO says, you don't have to make a thread on every freekill/slay. Dnt want alot of people complaining and spamming the forums. Ur a staff member u should do the right thing :)

  2. wow fking niggers srsly now i got fucking asshole shitty red bar. WTF I HAD ALL GREEN AND FEW NEUTRAL. Now my fking bar looks like a shitty ass italian flag.


    I detect trace hints of acute butthurtitis, I would suggest 50cc's of "going outside" and "giving less fucks about something that is entirely pointless and has literally no impact on your life whatsoever". If people honestly care so much about some red pixels on a damn screen, and think that said pixels will forever determine your fate/reputation, you need to immediately get off the internet, and stay off for a long time. Seriously people, it's just little markings on your post that most people put down as a joke, if you take this shit so seriously to the point where you want to get ratings reset just so you can appear better to new members (these stupid ratings shouldn't matter anyway, it's the physical interaction with people in-game that will really determine your reception within the clan, not how many "likes" or "dislikes" you have) then once again, please take a glass of water, and pour it all over your desktop and monitor.



    Stfu nigger

  3. +1 for the rule removal. Ionno why this rule was added, it just removed the fun for both parties. The only reason why this rule was added was because alot of ct's are spamming smokes/flash bangs. Which is why it should be like only flash and smoke be restricted for cts?

  4. So im the complete asshole? after all the things u've said? wow ur a total douche bag bro. Thought u said u were leaving ey? and here u r coming back again.


    Anyways have fun out there, ur gnna have good things in life with this attitude. LEL

  5. If you really want this division you need to dedicate urself, aka keep the server populate and running 24/7. Dnt let the server become 0 population. Keep admins/mods on at all times as well. Pretty much something that can keep the server alive and running with PEOPLE on it. If that doesn't qualify to my expectations the dayz server will die.

  6. my other computer, I always go to my Intel based computer to play video games. Pino, lay off the drugs man. ;D


    i5-3xxx series is bad tho..


    Might as well get a i5-2500k.


    I know amd has bad reputation but there are good benchmarks with the 8350 out there.


    My build rig is quite solid due to the fact it has a good mother board and can add a sli and 8350 can last for a few years ahead. Want proof heres some benchmark comparing 3450 vs the 8350. Also 16gb IS WAY TOO MUCH just for gaming. His not gnna do coding/programming/and other stuff. All he needs are 8gb enough for gaming + if possible streaming as well.


    Pick my build has sli/cf config compatibility mobo and octa core. Can oc MORE with the cpu cooler i suggested as well.


    Intel Core i5 3450 vs AMD FX 8350


    I had the 8350 and did benchmarks. Its not the same performance as the DUO INTEL core processor it's . If u haven't tried it then please dnt talk shit about it. Yes some amd however does sucks AKA the AMD 9xx series and the 6xx series. But the bulldozer is actually really good tho.


    Benchmarks that beat almost other intel cpus out there.




    And a gameplay with same cpu+660 series battlefield 3



  7. DarkWolf I like the probation idea to be honest . But the people might complain (the people who got mass freekilled by an xG member) if the guy only got a probation instead of a huge punishment. Thoughts on this one guys? <---




    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest

  8. wow, why u fking leave? WTHELL WE TALKED ABOUT THIS NIGGUH! DIDNT EVEN KNOW U WERE GNNA LEAVE! But anyways dnt let meh number go 2 waste, it's precious like diamond!


    btw learn to @@PiNoYPsYcHo <--- u put the @