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Posts posted by Duke

  1. Im sitting in class... again, and my professor (besides her hotness) is bitching about her computer being slow... Reason being she is using Internet Explorer. What a dumb BITCH! Is this school serious?


    She probly isnt allowed to install anything else =/

  2. I remember calling someone a little kid, but It wasn't directed at you. Pretty sure it was because someone RDM'd me and then continued to argue in spec/dead chat when he got shot. I'm not sure. It's not a big dealio.


    Also unless it was in chat, it wasn't me. You muted me because I didn't realize I had my mic button binded on shift and I'm used to sprinting from darkrp, so I always hold down shift while moving.


    OH YA i remember you >.< i kept screaming to turn it off lol +1 never do that again tho it was ear shattering annoying xD also u still muted? we dotn have perma mute so at end of map it unmutes.

  3. Remove the "You can close motd in 6 seconds" on surf when the motd doesn't even work on there.


    Thats surf NOT JB



    And it's on all servers for a reason maybe you should ask about it instead of instantly asking for it to be removed.