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Posts posted by Duke

  1. i'd play with u guys if my laptop wasnt a piece of over giant shit that makes sounds.... But ya srs i have dota 2 and have for awhile but i cant run it for some reason, like my laptop meets the min specs for it but every time i try to load it, it goes black screen and crashs ;-;

  2. terrible idea the promo demo should be like it is they get admin if there good enough


    Basicly what's been said by every1. You either get promoted or not you shouldnt have to apply for admin. You get it based on how good of a Mod you are. I've never gotten past mod and you dont hear me complaining just making jokes at aegean :D

  3. well ur lucky it wasnt me i dont even reply to people i ban or even add them, RDMing 2 people is a week ban, the first guy may have been shooting i didnt witness it because i havnt been on, but saying some1 is "clearly" a traitor in my books with no other reason is RDM. But i say drop it to a day or 2.

  4. They pay like 50 bucks to get that rank and you think they will perm someone for no reason to get demoted?


    i never said for no reason did i? to let you know there are some who dont know the MOTD for shit and buy admin they could make perm someone something dumb and the PA/PM could thinkhe was allowed to =/ it happens even with new mods not often but still

  5. Dude. These are all so sick! Can I get one? I got a request. xG|Gay HongKongFooey


    Preferably with a Neon-green/black scheme





    But ya not bad =/ i could use one but eh idgaf