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Posts posted by Duke

  1. i go away for a day and this shit happens -.-


    Teezar have you read the MOTD? any ct who sees a t inside armory can kill them freeday or not u basicly gave ct's a freekill day =/

  2. one, and that was speedlimit, which islayed myself for. Duplolas on my screen stood up or jumped while crouching which was against the orders the warden had given, if hes truely this mad i will ct ban myself for an hour.

  3. How is that even abuse?


    You either stood up or jumped while crouching.... On my screen it looked like you jumped or stood up after he had restricted jumping.


    I also slayed myself for freekilling speedlimit that round and the next.


    But that isnt even abuse <.<

  4. I know he donated for me. I appreciate it a lot rpgs thank you. I guess I'm just a little mad that he had always been an ass to me. I'm sorry.




    On topic, any1 who was permed was so for a reason i dont get why the fuck so many people +1 most of them.

  5. most people know i dont really like duckiijr =/



    but he knew what he was doing when he hacked on the scrim server, he knew rain had done the same thing and was permed for it, he knew oscar hacked on the Surf server and is permed for it.... It's not like he didnt know he would be permed if he was caughtwith them and well he got caught.


    -1 He knew full well what he was doing and knew it was wrong when he did it, he hacked on an xG server, and the fact hes an older member of the clan makes it even worse. He's not a bad person he just did something incredibly stupid. Like RPGs said some1 just help him pay the $20 and he can take the picture.

  6. ███████████████████████










  7. Not getting unbanned sorry, you have nothing of value to give to our community, and you already used your get out of jail card.

    Take care



    -Open on request to see what community thinks.


    Hasnt the community already spoken on this tho? he's tried i believe twice before this and both times were shot down.

  8. Duckii jr got vac banned, serbian said that if he would not have gotten vac banned, he would have been demoted. correct me if I'm wrong.


    DuckiiJr is permed from servers?