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Posts posted by Oscar

  1. Well guys look at it this way, we almost have 8000 people in the clan, if we get shirts, those people that are dedicated to XG will buy one, especially it give us another advantage towards money raising. Now duke I'm completely aware that xg has a channel. But i dont see it advertised anywhere on the forums.

  2. Ok, for as many people hate me on here, just hear me out.

    This clan has billions and billions of opportunity when it comes XenoGamers way. We need to move into Youtube, start a franchise on youtube. Start making shirts, and get sponsors, on the website as well as in game. Now, we also need to introduce the clan into more complex games. Like, League of Legends(Minecraft needs to also be much more supported for the huge come back among Oreo he's a great guy and deserves a reward for bringing back some minecraft fans to xenogamers). More games that we can have potential in, Modern Warfare 3, we can get competitors in this game on console and PC. Terraria also needs much more support, the main person I want to put on the terraria role is, Rukibah. He's an awesome guy that loves to help people out and deserves a chance like this. He might not have the money to dedicate the server, but you can still run a good server on a seprate machine assigned to that role.


    FONT=Comic Sans MS]Games We Have Potential In!!!!!!!!!

    League of Legends


    Heroes of Newarth

    Combat Arms



    We also have the potential to raise awareness towards the community through, Youtube.

    We need to start looking for directors and editors that can make this community stronger in buisness.

    Job Opportunities for people who are dedicated,

    Graphic Design






    I hope to hear the replys and concerns.

  3. Ok last time we tried anything different, like when we were on lego jail with the new plugin only a fraction of people knew what the hell to do to become warden, so basically a person got picked randomly when someone called it, no one knew about this and it wasnt told to anyone, so you should be open to changes, but you need votes first if you want to have success

  4. Brian is correct, I'm an asshole in a defensive way. There are tons of assholes in this clan(not going to name names) but you all have to realize that I'm trying to make a change, and at my rate I'm doing better. None of you know me in real life. You can't say that I've not changed over one thing out of a period of months(2 to be exact) but you all need to take into consideration this wasn't ment to offend anyone, nor be a disturbance to people who can't get over themselves. If you would like to insult me, do it somewhere where I don't see it. Because it doesn't help my case.



  5. Actually i do not live in canada, I'm in Escambia County WHERE the fcking district never gives us presidents day off, so stfu please. and duke did i ask you no, herpes your right i should have, and mick stfu your not in this

  6. So, whens the discussion about my ban, going to be permanent or 1 month, its coming towards the 1 month mark of my ban, and there was rumored discussion about it being 1 month, from Aegean and Serbian. The quote is as Aegean said "The ban will be further discussed, when it comes near the 1 month point," <<<< not exact words but pretty close

    Anyways I would like to know whens the discussion.

    Now as of the WHOLE TEAMVIEWER THING, I have district History Fair tonight, I have to go and place my board by 6:30 CST. So, I will not be available between, 3:00 to 6:30 central, AS OF TOMORROW, I'll be at the event. The event will go on for a while, And I do not have to go back to school, since im excused the whole day.


    This is directed towards, Aegean,Serbian, and Silence. Not anyone else

    P.S. Since I'm at school while typing this I do not have the option to chat with people(regretfully).

    This is the only way I have to comunicate

  7. Well don't you think guys that, all the admins on the minecraft server worked hard for their admin powers, I know its entirely Oreo's decision. But you need to give the admins that have had it the longest and are trustworthy back, It's going to cause an uprising in an arguement. So, Oreo needs to think fast, or people are going to be mad.


    Specifically my opinion....

  8. Thats exactly what I did duke, and I'm glad that you can understand my problems in life. But I miss this community and everyone in it. There is some people that hate me and I understand why, but i would like a fresh start in this community and I don't any other way to do it then like this. I've debated against myself with it. But I just want a fresh start please. I'm always willing to do time. But i miss the servers and other stuff since there the only good servers.

  9. I have to deal with thinking about my father dieing almost every minute of my life. He was sick with a flu and went to the emergency room for a couple extra days off with a doctors note because he felt guilty. And when he did this, more than 5 minutes later he found out he was in the 4th stage of conjestive heart failure. So please understand I'm trying to be sincere and not a dick. If you know what the fck a good heart means you'll understand. Thanks to the people who arent dicks.

  10. All you have to do is TeamView Me

    Look. You're kind of one of the butt-jokes of xG now because of that fatal mistake. Like you said "once a hacker, always a hacker" is implied after that situation. I don't think I would be able to believe you if you've said you've changed or not. Trust isn't even there after doing that.

  11. Look duke I don't know where we went wrong in our coolness, but you've became A complete bipolar. I'm sorry but you need to learn how NOT to be bias towards others, and he is never bias in game while modding ONLY ON THE FORUMS. And theres proof through where he's posted and why he has posted there. So duke please learn to not be bias towards me while im trying to find people that forgive me.

  12. So lately guys my dad has been having heart problems and I've been going through alot of stress. I'm sorry for all of you that I offended and overreacted towards. I will be changing. I'm currently in a financial tight. So I'll be using my same account. Now I understand that this isn't an excuse for hacking. BUT... I was being stupid and not thinking about what I was doing. So I'm completely legit now. And will always be. I know the saying "Once a hacker, always a hacker"

    But thats not the case here. I wish I could take back my actions. But I can't go back in time.

    I hope all of you forgive me, and give me another chance. It would meen the world to me. Also, please give opinions on how I should change. And why you guys hate me. And no dumass reasons, like "YOUR GAY THATS Why," No I miss xenogamers.


    Any of you that would like to contact me through something other than steam, please add me on PSN



    The games I play on Playstation 3 are, MW3, BF3, MW2, BBC2(NO FCKING BLACK OPS(unless it's zombies that will be an exception))I play survival and online on mw3, You can also contact me through chrono if your too lazy to add me on PSN or Skype, because chrono and I play LoL together.

    Now I hope I reach out to someone thats willing to say "I forgive you", and here's the people thats done that.


    Chrono(He got over it, none the less)

    And thats all I'm willing to add more people to my companion.

  13. Hi, My name is oscar.

    I got banned for hacking. Even though im bad at hacking.

    I'm starting fresh.

    Valve has not taken any actions towards me or my computer.

    My name as oscar is gone. I'm no longer known as oscar.

    And never will be again. I'm not avoiding my ban. But i have invested into a new steam account.

    Now me being banned permanetly from css. Is ok. Im probably going to wait a month. I'm not going to discuss my invalid ts3 ban.(by rabid which was posted for reason under orders. Which i hardely trust. So i will be restarting fresh. No one will know who i am. nor will recognize me.

    Thank you,

    For the last time known as,

    Oscar The Grouch.

  14. -1 doug is awesome and knows what he's doing honestly I WANT HIM IN XG im going to ask him to post a member sub. I seriously wish he was in xg and played alot in other servers like surf and other stuff. And other games. BUT HE's awesome on jb. SO ya.

  15. anyways from the way he tarps and doesnt know the motd well enough he should atleast be ct banned again. Because last night he kept asking questions about what they can and cant do. Soooo... even though i slipped up last night by not realizing what i said. He still is more than likely too young to use his mic. And needs to learn what the motd is and why its there. Countless occasions he's repeatedly slipped up and not realizing what he's doing. For that account we need to either discuss with him everything that hes doing or give him some time to watch other warden do other days and let him learn just like i did(i read the motd though).