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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by FluffButtom

  1. I'd hit it like a freight train hitting a stuffed rabbit.
  2. [ATTACH]3289.vB[/ATTACH] i love everypony
  3. I'd pound either like a freight train hitting a ladybug. [ATTACH]3126.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. I'm not asking anyone to come with me, I'm asking you to respect my decision. I mean, if I'm going to say in my OP that I'm leaving because people get mad, and you get mad in the post?...
  5. Dear XenoGamers; So, this is my goodbye thread. Sorry to leave on such short notice, but, I'm noticing the corruption in this community more now. Most of the members all basically are loyalists to mods/admins/co's/div's. I love a lot of you guys, and will still chill on xG's servers, but I wish not to be a part of this community when it all burns to the ground. More and more people with the maturity level of a 4th grader are somehow being accepted into xG, and frankly that bothers me. What happened, you guys? I remember the day I was accepted. It was a happy day. In the first month I'd already given great ideas that our leaders accepted, but everything went down from there. I just don't know what went wrong. So, goodbye. This is the end for me, on xG. It's been fun, it really has. ~Fluffbuttom, signing off.
  6. +1 M: 6/10 A:8.5/10 W: Seems like he'd be a decent addition to the xG team. [ATTACH]3032.vB[/ATTACH]
  7. DIBS ON Div. LEADER OF ARMA 2 -fixed by serbian
  8. I shared xG's page on my facebook before, and I actually have some friends who plan on joining in the future. I can has cookie? [ATTACH]3024.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. -1 I haven't had many problems with him but he has freekilled more than most ever would. A: 7-ish/10 M: 5/10 (More mature than some others -1'ing him)
  10. A: 8/10 M: 9.9/10 W: I've never had any problems with him. He knows the MOTD, but like the rest of us he makes a few mistakes now and then. However, unlike a lot of us, he isn't afraid to admit them.
  12. Increase image size limit by 1MB? (It's now 2MB) I like to post funny .gif's now and then but a lot of them are too big.
  13. +1 Pretty fly for a white guy. A 10/10 M 9/10 [ATTACH]3019.vB[/ATTACH]
  14. MFW The thought of donating after this new plugin [ATTACH]3005.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. >may he rest in peace in peace
  16. When I went over to iso via spectate mode or whatever, there was a guy in iso.
  17. Admins In-Game Name: [xG:M|DB|B] DuckiiJr. <3 Jessica Admins STEAM-ID. STEAM_0:1:37355063 Your In-Game Name: [xG] Sir Fluffybuttom [F|B|G] Your STEAM-ID. STEAM_0:0:28558935 What server did this happen in?: xG Jailbreak What exactly did the abuser do?: Abused admin chat by (attempted) ghosting Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?: No given prior reason, perhaps favoratism against another player but I'm not sure. Did it affect other players?: Possibly could affect another players game-play by ruining their rebel or whatever. Explain the entire situation here: I had just died, after slaying myself for missing a shot and killing a T who was packed a little close to the first reaction-er, and then I received aforementioned message via admin private chat. (Edited: 11:07 GMT-7 Sat, Jun 23, 2012: Reason: Attempted ghost, not ghost.) [ATTACH]2947.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. FluffButtom

    Need an Admin?

    Xeno Gamers Official Handbook Don't be a dick Have fun Follow the rules Respect
  19. FluffButtom

    Need an Admin?

    I've had to call you in, even though there were mods in, before. Yes. It came out great. [ATTACH]2945.vB[/ATTACH]
  20. FluffButtom


    I shared it, but no one liked it D: Not. A. Single. One. ;w; But I really appreciate the amount of Effort McNeo puts into this clan, it's rather enjoyable. I dunno why so many people hate him. Oh, they hate him because he's one of the few people who mod/admin JB and actually do their job.
  21. I'm not going to name names, but there really are a LOT, and I mean a LOT of people who need to get banned for legitimate disrespect / chat or voice spam. It's frankly rustling my jimmies and I won't stand for it.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OemNp6hgX4
  23. FluffButtom


    Too true~ I literally assumed, before I knew they were supposed to, that there were no warnings due to the lack there of.