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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Echo

  1. Well, what commands would the difference be between PA and a reg mod? Like would payed admin have regular admin commands? Also, I'd rather be a payed mod because 1. Depends on price 2. I somehow just in my opinion mod>admin
  2. I agree with OMGAWD on some reasons, but id rather be a payed mod than a payed admin since regular mod>payed admin. I think reg mod and admin should be the same, but admin has more powers(ie: for tf2, they can vote)
  3. Badlands is cool. Nucleus is cool(its KOTH i think) but yea I hate area v54 or some crud. I hate camground 2 I hate LOTS of maps
  4. New maps? No. I miss the old maps that played Arena//Koth Only thing I like is minecraft map, but we don't need water maps ;p
  5. What is the minimum for each rank? 10-15 for mod and 20-50 for admin?
  6. This post has been deleted(edited)
  7. Only thing I don't like about prop is the long ass time. First the teams, then the 30 seconds to hide I'm fine wit 30 secs to hide, but the beginning is so urghh Hale>Arena>Randomizer//Dust>payload
  8. NO ARENA WHY? We all play Arena :(. You can take off Payload or something but not arena!
  9. Brian already posted a prop hunt long ago, but many of us want it now. Can we get one?
  10. Wtf is this tf2 items or shows o.o
  11. +1. Great format As I always say, if you can follow the ex. formal, you can follow rules Gl
  12. Post has been deleted(edited)
  13. Great intro. Great explain. +1 Followed format well, can follow rules gl
  14. This post has been deleted(edited)
  15. Fix Steam ID at www.steamidfinder.com
  16. Hi xGers. I would like to apply for mod for TF2 because I feel like I have to do most of the work when Reflex or any other mod is on. I would always tell people to stop micspamming, I help people get entertained such as Scout challenge, I help people with difficulties. Whenever people micspam I tell them to stop and if they don't I have to call mod. Whenever I'm on hale, there's usually trolls who buddy buddy,delay,camp,spam,etc. I also help other xGers repopulate our other servers such as Arena,Randomizer,Dustbowl I always take control of people who annoy other people I have a sense of humor(if that helps) I am also trustworthy(trades,etc) I help with Reflex's raffles I report bad things to Reflex/Brian/Klure I own in Spy I'm one of the most active, if not, the most active on arena to randomizer, to Dustbowl, to Hale I'm usually the first ones online at Hale I talk and chat with many people I CAME up with the Double Medic and Telefrag tactics(I didn't invent it, but I used a different tactic on SH) I help Reflex with trades I also help people on xG forums find Steam ID ----MORE TO COME---- Reasons why I DON'T deserve Mod I will admit this, NO ONE ELSE TOLD ME, but myself - I once played as another player who didn't exist named Alice - I sometimes troll, but not in a bad way like spamming or anything, just bandwagoning - I'm mean ;O - I THINK I rushed on my posts, but I don't think I did If you +1, you're the true person If you -1, you broke my heart ;D Thanks to ALL who read and commented, I respect any decision w/ a good reason Thanks xGers
  17. +1. Dude is active on forums and nice as possible
  18. I still keep my vote to +1. But yeah, we need an update.
  19. Echo


    +1 If he can follow thread format, he can follow rules As above said he can keep clan alive with his onlineness, he can definitly spread the xG word! gl EchoooooooOOOOoooo
  20. Does that mean this thread should be closed?
  21. +1, seems to know the rules since he got the format correctly and has a great sense of humor. Also reports when necessary I thought you were another mudkip T-T. goodluck!
  22. He is constantly lying,trolling, and tries to scam others in trading 1. He sells items he doesn't have 2. He recently scammed someone on an unusual 3.If you ask any tf2 players(most tf2 xgers), he is constantly just lying and spamming fake trades SS: Please don't hate me if my SS sucks, i a beginner;D, but you can ask other players Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting New Images - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting P.S the last link, he did add the tag, but didnt add bills.. He added the bills first than the tag, tried to quickswitch bills and such. If it is hard(which it is since i mixed all ss up) read the time when we commented In all out: if u dont get ss, he tried to shark,scam,and quickswitch bills He also said "SELLING P.FETTI TOSSLECAP 20 BUDS" I said "why 20 buds" response: it's rare
  23. +1.Played with him/her on hale and randomizer. havent seen that much but saw before mature to the max
  24. I know why though. Anywho goodluck Wolfs