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Everything posted by MuffinMonster

  1. I'm gonna be honest. It is jarv. He said hes changed, but i dont know if this is a bannable offence for multi-accounting. EDIT: Yeah jarv you havent changed. I really don't think people respect you anymore. He did act like a different person even though he wasnt. Just because someone changed their name, does not mean they have changed within their personality. +1 for ban.
  2. [ATTACH]2377.vB[/ATTACH] Arguing on the internet solves eveything.
  3. [ATTACH]2376.vB[/ATTACH] I fail at things too much. Wat do?
  4. +1 Really fun and cool guy, doesnt troll, knows MOTD. Hes on often and hes very mature. Pretty much what Deo said.
  5. -1 My decision is the same as last time. I have not seen you change. Your very immature and I see you break rules. The only upside is you are on often.
  6. I know who you really are. So, my decison is not a +1 or -1. I will come to a decision if I can see you change for the better.
  7. -1 You were asking for +1s and you barely even know the motd. I see you freekill almost every round you are ct. You're not all that mature, but I see you on often.
  8. I completely agree with you. I can tell that other members are losing their patience.
  9. Alright, so the #1 JB was down for about a weekend and a bit. I'm ok with this since we had the UK one up. Now not only is THAT down, but so is the RPG surf and the minigames server. Seriously? I would like a explaination on whats going, since i haven't really seen anyone say whats happening. Sorry for bitching about this, but it gets annoying when i cant even play CS:S on one of my favourite servers. I just want to know if its a DDoS or just maybe a temp shutdown of each server or something along that lines. If I could get some feedback that would be great. Thanks for reading.
  10. Someone close this, he didnt even post it in the right section.
  11. ^ banned because he didnt know what EFG means and its Epic Fail Guy.
  12. +1 I see him on JB quite often, knows the motd, cool guy and hes is pretty mature.
  13. Still, I wonder why the #1 JB is down.
  14. +1 Chills guy, is pretty mature, follows and knows the rules and I see him on JB quite often. Onge is also a whore. <3
  15. -1 Did you really think about coming back? I don't understand the point if no one likes you. Stop trying to get people to think your a girl and just change your name.
  16. +1 I see him on Jailbreak often, not all the time, but long enough. Hes mature, doesnt troll, knows rules, etc, etc. Also he is a very useless ore.
  17. +1 He is a nice, chills guy who i see very much on the jailbreak servers. Hes also mature and knows the rules well.
  18. I know how to end this. I was his first jr. I win.
  19. +1 Why: Awesome reboobler, knows rules and is a chill guy. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: Very active, see him almost everyday.
  20. Decision (for now): -1 Why: I saw you a couple days ago trolling and it got annoying fast. Your mics also pretty bad. I will change this to a +1 once i can see you have changed. Other then that your fine. Your not very mature from what I have seen, but your are quite active.
  21. +1 Why: Nice guy, doesnt troll and knows the rules. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: Very active, almost everyday. Also...Angreh? thats not how you type in +1, type it how it looks, not 1+.