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Everything posted by MuffinMonster

  1. *sigh* It sucks more then half of my gifs are I'm guessing "too big" to upload unless i find another way to do it.
  2. I feel the same mick and none of my popcorn gifs work so here is satan [ATTACH]2650.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. Stop creating shitstorms on a guys app, take it somewhere else.
  4. MuffinMonster


    I've been here 5 months and I have seen it start to recede in people. If I get an editing software I might upload something about advertising it on youtube.
  5. Yeah, I can see why members have left lately and its the reason most people have already said. Too many immature people and complainers. I'll admit, I do those things sometimes, but who doesn't? The people that have been leaving are mostly mods and admins, but most of them stay and still play on the servers today.
  6. +1 Bitch wants my hats all day, knows MOTD, on often and is mature He used to be annoying, but in the past couple of weeks he seems fine to me. He has changed.
  7. I really dont think he was ready for Admin or Mod, most people didn't even want him to get mod, let alone admin. I can also predict stego is gonna pent out his rage or make a paragraph long arguement on how shit was an accident or what happened (EDIT: already made one). Just like any other person that makes him mad, he has to start an arguement with them. I'm not saying I hate stego, because I don't, I just think he should have mod maybe for a month so he can get practice before he gets all the way to admin. Its great that he donated and helped the server, but atleast get taught some shit before changing the game you love to play and hang out on, into the server you have to baby and look after. TL;DR: I'm at a 0 because people make mistakes and he needs more practice with being in charge.
  8. +1 Love this guy, knows MOTD, been on for a while, very active and pretty mature.
  9. -1 It was one thing, just one so forget about it. Also yolo kids around a lot.
  10. Best warden right now IMO. Nice guy too :)
  11. +1 for week or perma Hes really immature, mic spams and just goes on CT to troll. I can't imagine how many -1s his app would have if he ever made one.
  12. What is this...I don't even...
  13. +1 Seen him on JB today, cool guy, knows MOTD, pretty active and mature.
  14. -1 I was there and there was no proof anywhere of free-slaying or free-kicking. Mullin even shows how he didnt do it too.
  15. I say let mods+ be able to use HLDJ or something else
  16. +1 Cool guy, been on for a long time, knows MOTD, very mature and on quite often. Hope your app goes well.
  17. Huh I dont know if that actually works Mick, but that would be a good idea.
  18. Ah, I thought thats how it worked. Sorry then. /request close
  19. Ban a guy named M-town, trust me, you'll see him in the future.
  20. I still love you though, why is this in the hellos/goodbyes?
  21. I'll be willing to show my face on camera. lol just kidding, no one will see this shit or care.
  22. [blink]melting nipples!!![/blink] [ATTACH]2613.vB[/ATTACH]
  23. +1 Good fucking idea. Seeing that xG didnt make up its monthly funds this month it could help a lot.
  24. MuffinMonster

    Last CT

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwpH_IYg0N8 or this one
  25. +1 cool guy, knows the MOTD, been on for a while, hes mature and ehs on pretty often. GET THIS FUCKER IN xG!