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Everything posted by MuffinMonster

  1. That hurts me Deo. Deodate=American American=McDonalds McDonalds=Food Food=Life Life=Existance Existance=Awesome Awesome=Bacon Bacon=Grease Grease=Fat So therefore @@Deodate is fat. The end.
  2. +1 for Ct ban I was one of the people he freekilled A LOT. Not just me, but people like suppers too. He did all the stuff that Toby said last night. I think Immortal should brush up on the MOTD.
  3. Yeah HG seems pretty narcissistic about their one fucking shitty map.
  4. Damn, hopefully you get back on making this map, Hellsgamers have one, so we should as well.
  5. That pretty much sums it up angreh. Also #69th post :)
  6. Just something I want to know. I see that quite a lot of people that play xG are from Canada. I live near Toronto, in a small, but growing town. SO WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?
  7. MuffinMonster


    I tried to do it to, even in other servers and it still doesnt work, just says "this ID has already been used" and I don't even have the hats yet.
  8. +1 He gets mad really easily, I don't know how he could be mod. He gets mad at people for little things like when brock freekilled him once on accident and they created a massive shitstorm on his mod app. I hope he does apply back with a different attitude next time.
  9. +1 for 1 week or perma-CT ban I see "her" on CT freekilling, baiting, etc. "She" is really annoying.
  10. My donator code doesnt work, it says it's already been used and I have tried this in minigames...I think its down again. Help me @@silence D:
  11. +1 +1 +1 Nice person, doesnt spaz out, knows the rules, and doesnt do dumb shit like troll and freekill. Good luck with the mod app Shiro.
  12. +1 for perma-ct ban I have seen this guy mass freekill, baiting and other bad shit like that. Hope hes out soon.
  13. +1 Fuck this guy in the ass. Hes a cool guy, on very often, know all the rules and knows how to rebel <3 I hope to see the tag on soon.
  14. MuffinMonster


    Well I saved money by not having a subscription to netflix (I hate netflix)
  15. +1 I thought he was just gonna make it so you can unsub to threads and he removed it? I didn't know that.
  16. Everything is wrong with your dancing :)
  17. +1 Seems very useful, I don't know why it would make more issues. Silence could you explain?
  18. >I'm leaving this server for a while >3 hours later "Fuck this" >Plays for atleast 1 hour >Im confused GLAD YOU ARE BACK HOME BOY, HERE IS THIS SEXY GIF YOU LIKE SO MUCH [ATTACH]2553.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. +1 Seens you quite often on the servers and a PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME GUY
  20. @@BrockObama @@Stegosaurus Its pretty obvious you guys are attacking each other because you had that one dispute in the jailbreak server. Brock, he clearly made you mad, so you just had to go -1 him. Come on man. Stego, I saw you put up a member abuse thread up as well. I think you guys just got mad at each other at remembering shit from a while ago. Just fucking stop. It was a small dispute and I was there. Just forget it, and move on.
  21. [ATTACH]2547.vB[/ATTACH] Fuck you Deodate, your gonna make me cry ;_;. This was a good day too. Well I guess hopefully, you will like it again and come back and play with us <3. See you maybe in the future on CS:S
  22. Sweet, Minecracks ban just expired and he got his last vouch :D
  23. +1 God I really want this. I hate having around 10 at once everytime I come on. Shit, I just added another to the list ;_;