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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Stence

  1. Yesterday on the date of 3/27/2012 a player named Nigrumz joined CT. As soon as he joined he talks into his "mic" and the first thing you hear is "SWOOSHSWOSHOSWOSHWOSOWHSOWOSHWOSHWOSHSO". This continued on for almost 3 rounds at the time admins couldn't do anything because their commands weren't working. At the start of the round he and his buddy (I could not catch his name). Run up and shot me and my cell mates dead and about five more cells (dead) until finally because of his intolerable microphone spam the warden opens the gate declares a free day and Nigrumz is killed. Round 2- Same case scenario Nigrumz microphone spams no one can hear it is a free day. Once again though this time he has a M4 or another automatic weapon and simply starts killing people. Thank god for skilled players and killing him so we don't have to hear "SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH" while we are trying to enjoy a free day. Round 3- Same thing again but more similar to round one he runs up to cells with his already well known war-cry "SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH" and shoots almost half the players dead. This is not a player I would like part of our community and I would enjoy it if he was banned from CT at least or banned period +1 if you agree. I prefer to think he lives by the motto "Shoot first ask questions later". Scratch the questions part because he can barely pronounce any words besides "Swoooooooosh". By the end of the third round the server is then DDos'd admin commands still don't work and he gets away sweat free. I did not have time to take any pictures or did not think to at the time I am sorry people who played yesterday though should know.
  2. All and all play and have fun :D
  3. +1 She's a great player and very active, I have played with her alot to understand she has a firm grasp of the rules and would make a great mod. I hope she gets it in the long run I would like to see that she would be a great addition to the admins and mods.
  5. Immmmmmmmmmmm derrrrrrrrrrrrrrn gooooooooooooooooder! ---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ---------- No I'm doing fine, lol this isn't a serious hello I joined xG awile ago. =p I'm just saying Hello Der to errone. ;D
  6. Im sorry dude haven't seen enough of you and don't think your very mature you yelled at me this morning after confronting you about your tarp and said "YOU MAD BROOOOO???" So -1
  7. Unit man what to say.... I have gamed on xG with you for awile now. You're a good guy a great player very active and would make a great mod man hope to see ya as one in the long run. +1
  8. Stence

    new jb maps?

    Yes +1 we need some new maps
  9. Stence

    JailBreak server #2

    Yes I would like a 2nd jb server +1
  10. Stence

    Keylog Warning

    So basically if you go there your derp out of luck O.O
  11. +1 DO ITTTTTTTTT Silence <3
  12. decision: +1 He completely mass freekilled gunplanted baited all of this it is unbelievable then had the nuts to call us all idiots..
  13. decision: +1 why: Great addition to jb server Maturity: 9/10 activity: Very active
  14. I have no eyes but I can see. I have no ears yet I can hear. I have no mouth but I can speak. I live in a home the color of white. Answer this Timelord
  15. Stence

    Fucking Scary...

    My friend got on my facebook account and uploaded over 20 pictures of scrotums.
  16. Stence

    Favorite Songs?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bULBnef6w6k Ill Mind of Hopsin 4
  17. Decision: +1 Why: Nice guy have seen him playing on jb alot. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: Very active.
  18. Decision: Friendly guy knows rules +1 Why: What I said in decision + He is a cool guy good to know and active Maturity: 9/10 Activity: VERY Active
  19. Decision: +1 Why: Good player knows rules Maturity: 9/10 Activity: Very active
  20. Decision: +1 Why: Good player and addition to community Activity: Very active on jb server Maturity: 8/10
  21. Decision: He reminds me of myself always CT and calls warden =p Active player and a nice guy have played with him for ahwile now. +1 Why: He's on jb a lot for the CT side and calls Warden <--- Like me. Maturity: 9/10. Activity: Active on JB server. Very
  22. Thank you all! You are very helpful and I appreciate all the comments