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Everything posted by Stence

  1. Stence

    Spectator list!

    This Plug in is basically a spectator list to see who is spectating you. It's great to catch ghoster's ect, I also have played on a few servers lately that use this and find it really useful and a fun tool. Please +1 if you agree if you want any additional info send me a PM through the forums or a message me on steam. http://www.sourcemod.net/vbcompiler.php?file_id=71845 [ATTACH]2540.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2541.vB[/ATTACH] Cvars: sm_speclist_enabled <0|1> - Enables the spectator list for all players by default. (Default: 1) sm_speclist_allowed <0|1> - Allows players to enable spectator list manually when disabled by default. (Default: 1) sm_speclist_adminonly <0|1> - Only admins can use the features of this plugin. (Default: 0) Note: plugin.speclist.cfg will be automatically generated in your SourceMod cfg directory. Commands: sm_speclist - Toggles the spectator list on/off for that player. http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/739/denuke0001fz8.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zeb9xnQESz8/TGfeVoXQFqI/AAAAAAAAA30/wutuSl39xvU/s1280/zm_hellarch0000.jpg ---------Edit Post---------------- The living can see who is spectating them and the dead can see who is also spectating the person they are spectating. It's great for say... A ct free kills then they can look and see "Oh a bunch of people are watching me not just one random." Then they have the numbs and backing to say it was a legit free kill.. Also for you attention hogs you have the pleasure of seeing how much attention you are getting while doing your daily whacky antics on the JB server. ---------Edit Post #2------------- Boobies below me! V
  2. Ban them... BAN THEM ALLLLLLL!
  3. They are a scourge upon humanity.... Free killing everyone and everything with their glitchy passion... I present to you the proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jUtUi6rHKU Watch it till the end and see why somthing should be done about this.. --------------------Edit----------------------- Feel free to post any other proof or video's you have of this "Door" free killing...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3-vBBQKOYU This is as real as its gonna get
  5. First round I get in: Freeday I type !guard I get on CT the next 10 days after that: I CALL WARDEN OUT OF CELL REBEL! Finally SwizZ: I call warden I call warden out of cell rebel!: Me: Nope nope NOPE I call warden out of cell rebel! That about it..
  6. Fuck yeah +1 the first one I love Tom Petty
  7. Stence


    Turns out I can just go to my recycling bin and restore the file... thanks for the help though :P
  8. Stence


    I deleted my Cstrike folder to reset my weapon skins but now I have to re-download all the xG maps is there anyway I can download them all at once or do I have to go through the long tedious task of redownloading them all 1 by 1? Any help would be much appreciated.
  9. Il give you any game thats under 5$
  10. 106 >.< gave it a try the odds of getting it are 1-500 ;D
  11. YOU WILL NEVER BE MOD -1 Just kidding, +1 He is a great guy and knows rules... Sounds alot like Unit12p :D and very mature is he active as well.
  12. AND N IS FOR No surrrrrrrrrvivvvvvvvvvvors!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jUtUi6rHKU Enjoy, basically some warden stacked us all in front of armory... it goes from there and I fail at the end :p. Special thanks to everyone who participated and cristo.
  14. 8imm bhr44eaqkingvb mnjy jkjkewsuyh6 bolaszwqrftg5d What I tried to really type: I'm breaking my key board.
  15. Same as well Chrono so we will try to keep it after school on weeks :P if your interested message us its a full play through btw.
  16. Nah I'll change it to a -1 because I don't wana be a hard ass lol, Sorry about that though.
  17. I'm sorry then I thought you were serious I really just wanted to talk it out with you but you flipped on me >.<. I realise I was acting like a child to. sorry..
  18. I'll do it Steam: StenceHD
  19. Why are we welcoming him... I played with him on EoG servers earlier today and he has major anger issues... He flips out on a little kid for wardening I backed him believing there was a "Mature Enough age" To use a mic. Then a admin of EoG "Nostikz" Or something like that calls warden says " Out of cell rebel" this guy is currently a T i'm a CT. He leaves isolation a foot or two out and knifes a ct.. I then kill him for rebeling "No objections" from anyone but him. He then goes into a rage stating (Caps for emotional value) "I USED TO BE IN XG I WAS A MOD YOU'RE A DISGRACE!" At this point I was like "What?!" He then called a vote ban on me for free killing still no one else is backing him up. Then some other stupid CT opens cells warden gave no orders "Not a freeday" I hear "Out of cell rebel" again so I start shooting people running around. Admin still doesn't slay me.. He though "Unknown or xxLil CrAzyxx" Is still yelling at me.. I then decide to leave the server not knowing what happened. I contact him later through steam asking if we can talk this out he replies "No already blocked you fag gtfo." States no reason why I free killed... Or if it was even valid. So in all honestly he is most likely or used to be buying hat packs to buy people over like look at all the people asking for hat packs. Bro I could care less about a hat pack I do not welcome you back you're a rude person who needs to mature man.
  20. Sorry for ze second post
  21. This guy has some serious anger issues..
  22. Decision: +1 Why: Great guy have played with him and talked to him alot knows the rules Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 8/10
  23. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69 ,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100 Did I win?!?!?!?! :eagerness: