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Everything posted by Stence

  1. Stence

    Dota 2

    Dota 2 sucks I'd rather play league of legends sorry, Just it seems it doesn't even seem like a good RTS hell I think I would actually rather try HoN over Dota :/.
  2. I doubt not even half of you have held a LMG besides in CoD and video games... They are very heavy and just spraying in praying is very hard to do especially if your not even 18 hell I doubt most of you could even hold a LMG Non Hip fire... and all these people talking about how they are gonna get these tactical guns such as "G36c's" and semi automatic and bolt action sniper rifles.. hell Someone even said a barret .50 which I think is Bull shit... XD I would like to see what you would do realistically.
  3. I agree with everything charrax has posted on this thread..
  4. My older brother is part of the JTF-2 Or Joint Task Force 2 I'd just hang with him and get shit done xD!
  5. Stence

    A concern

    I dont agree with this.
  6. Hey bud this ones for you +1 Hes very active and mature knows the rules NOT ONCE have I ever hated this guy or has he pissed me off... he just... he just.... HE DOES SHIT DAT COUNTS!
  7. Are we gonna do work in this class room or just ask questions?
  8. Winner of the Diablo 3 give away message me on steam -xG- Stence for the code ;D
  9. You won the diablo 3 guest pass give away add me on steam -xG- Stence for your code
  10. Hey add me on steam -xG- Stence you won the diablo give away!
  11. Stence

    Diablo 3 Giveaway

    Ok, So i'm giving away three Diablo 3 guest passes which actually let you play quite far into the game, here's how its gonna work. If you post a funny picture or video I laugh at I will give it to you and im going by first come first serve. Don't automatically think you win xD Its gonna have to be quite funny. -Edit- Im not giving all 3 guest passes to one person its going separately -Edit 2- By tommorow 5 PM Eastern Pacific time I will decide the three winners and they will enjoy Diablo :D -FINAL EDIT- Winners have been decided the contest is now closed no more codes are being given away!
  12. I tried it... had bad graphics... so I came back to css... < Original joke
  13. [ATTACH]2729.vB[/ATTACH] Can someone help me with this it keeps saying the website is offline whenever I try to browse the forums.. I honestly have no idea how to fix this.. -Edit- PS Dont make fun of the favorites xD
  14. Your a good guy McNeo dont let anyone hurt you or make you cry... or I will hurt them!
  15. Hey you stole my avatar!
  16. Stence

    Team Viewer

    xD Ahhh Ultrasurf... good times lol
  17. So is the mortal light stronger then the eternal night light? Or is the night light stronger then the mortal light? *Random question xD*
  18. Why are the stars so bright in the night but no light will shine while its bright?
  19. If your playing Yu-Gi-Oh above the age of 16 your a virgin...
  20. No thats no what I meen I meen to separately rate posts not threads...
  21. So have you ever seen a forum that allows to to vote up and vote down your favorite posts.... What I meen is like the youtube thumbs up system. Well I got a plug in that can recreate that for forums that allows you to vote up posts. LoL vs dota2 now with less trollers - League of Legends Community This is a company based forum for League of Legends but if you look in the bottom right hand corner the LoL forums uses a voting system for posts so you can +1 your favorite post. Say someone had a good come back for a troll you can +1 this persons post to make him feel special xD. Although I dont think its easy to install forum plug ins I just know the code for them and such. If you think this would be a neat idea please give this a +1 I meen it wouldn't hurt although i'm not expecting this to happen its just a suggestion. (I own none of the code to the LoL forum +1 nor have I ever seen it or try'd to recreate it) EDIT- I MEEN FOR POSTS AND COMMENTS NOT THE THREAD ITSELF
  22. Stence

    Trapped in Canada

    Canada's not boring I took a trip down to Vegas one summer and I realized how much americans are ass holes not all of them... Just most of them besides it is fun up here and you cant just enter a country expecting to do some fun shit... thats like entering mexico and expecting to not get robbed.
  23. You took my number 1 spot on xbl leader board punk ass and you definately modded xD
  24. Stence

    A concern

    Ok I will back myself again with these reasons 1.. Look at most community forums they are littered with trolls now imagine all these trolls who are non members on our forum post -1 on mod apps... That would be chaos I agree with serbian on the point if you were a valued member of xG then you should be able to yes.... Also I never said I did not care for them I just don't care for their opinions I care for them as people but if they are -1 threads and they're not even part of xG then I could care less what they say. Think about it long and hard would you like a bunch of randoms... wait let me put it in a better perspective... Say one day chrono you re apply for xG but by then this forum is filled with trolls and because of this thread Non Members opinions count in -1's and +1's then people who don't even know you who are having a bad day could just get on and -1 with out even being in xG its stupid. I have seen this happen on different clan forums to worst thing that could happen. People would take way to much advantage of it so no I still will -1.
  25. I thought I posted in here already... Anyways yes most people will swarm to it just for the name but it is gonna be a failure bethesda has tried multiplayer games in the past and most of them just wind up with there servers shut down i'm not completely sure if they are producing this (MOST LIKELY) but still I would rather take PlanetSide 2 over TES Online xD.