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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Deodate

  1. +1. Although you have your moments, for the most part your mature, and active. Mat- 7/10 Activity- 8/10
  2. +1 Knows rules, good addition to community Maturity=8/10 Activity=7/10
  3. +1 really good guy knows the rules C:
  4. Active, mature for the most part. Trolls a bit (who doesn't?) Nice guy. +1
  5. OHHH. Now I understand. I feel like a dumbass. >xD
  6. Decision: +1 Why: Nice guy! Knows rules. Activity: 8/10 Maturity: 9/10
  7. From what I have been hearing, xG may close if the amount of donations doesn't reach the payment of the servers. If this is the case... Why not shut down dead servers? I LOVE this community, as others do as well. Why not close servers that have the lowest activity rate. Will this not lower the amount needed to pay for all servers, but keep the same amount of donations? EDIT: change title from Community > Servers.
  8. I was laughing for about 10 minutes when I saw this. Congrats. xD
  9. +1 reasons: 1. BEES picked them. Shall I say more? 2. yeah, JB is getting boring with all the same maps. give some new ones a try yes?
  10. Omegle=pro trolling site
  11. Deodate

    Wtf happened?

    I was almost on that trend as well. :P I was talked out of it.
  12. yeah, all of that did HAPPEN, but proof is required. :P and mick. oh boy mick will rape a man for proof. @@themick07
  13. @@MuffinMonster Fat < Gay. You win. Fuck.
  14. Muffin = Canadian Muffin = Gay. So, does that make Canadian's gay?
  15. I as well saw "her" breaking many rules. Involving not staying with CT's (playing race), as T's were going in (committing freekills). With numerous attempts to get "her" out, or for "her" to NOT do that next round, "She" continues to do it anyways. :P
  16. +1 Constant rule breaker, trolls, rages on other members w/o taking anything into consideration. As Ganja said, ruins the rep. Ashamed to be in the same clan.
  17. Deodate

    Hoodie allen.

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ---------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNkI6IEsssc @@Foxxy
  18. Took the words RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH. To be quiet honest... everything RpgS said was how I felt. I feel TERRIBLE for what happened to Brock Obama, and I am damn glad I was not there to witness it. In regards to the slaying/disrespecting admins... If you fuck up, you fuck up. Don't be a dick about it and make people rage. If someone owns up to the situation, it's usually over right then and there. So, just own up to your mistakes. -1 until then.
  19. Deodate

    Is this Gay?

    Oh yeah... have YOU tried this?
  20. Cool guy, chill. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 9/10 Decision: +1
  21. Deodate

    Servers Crashing

    I would assume the code would still work....goodluck though. +1
  22. +1 Active, nice guy, Mature. Follows MOTD quite well. SHOULD USE HIS MIC THOUGH.