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Everything posted by African

  1. Twilight/Paradox/Heart/Sonata/Minty/Aer/Solar/Rarity/Rain/Cilantro? +1 fow show neega. We need you back(followerhueaheuhauha)
  2. +1 great guy, very mature, active on jb and a great guy overall.
  3. Also, the music is annoying. I'ts just on a constant replay cycle of songs and it's almost as annoying as the radio tower music now. There's no help in keeping them and only causes annoyance when you're near them.
  4. Honestly* ,** Ok*** I**** I***** brony.****** I******* I********i'm********* I********** don't*********** I************ I'm************* I'm************* I****************bronies'******************* bronies******************** don't********************* honestly********************** PS3************************ Wii************************** like,************************** "You********************************** you're*************************** too.**************************** Hey,****************************** you're******************************** you're******************************** brony.********************************* are********************************* anti-********************************** stops.*********************************** Sometimes************************** you're************************************* smartalecs************************************** their *************************************** what we do***************************************************** Well*********************************************** to********************************************** this********************************************************* pointless******************************************************** We******************************************************** fight******************************************************** If************************************************************* you're************************************************************** Anyways*************************************************************** it.*************************************************************************** can't************************************************************************* typed******************************************************************************
  5. +rep, very nice, generous. And damn girl, looka dat accent.
  6. +1 He's on a lot, plays on several of our servers. WAI U LEEV QURL
  7. +1, see him on the servers. Knows the rules very well. Love to see you in xG. U BE SUUUUU UUUWWWLD. #CanadiansRWierd
  8. Hey, I would like this picture http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/17500000/cool-background-random-17506456-1869-1168.jpg With xG|A Africanishaniqua around it somewhere but not blocking the image with 2 pictures of cats with top hats on each side of the name and any other random things that you can think of (the wierder, the better :D) Sorry if this is too much. You can take as long as you want. Thanks a lot, African
  9. -1 Calls me butthurt, says it's not in my job description to ban, trolls and tries to find loop holes around the rules ex. wearing Xg instead of xG when he's not even in the clan.
  10. +1, Nice to play with, Has his best friend Looking the other way and pointing. Finn + Jake 4 lyf <333
  11. +1, Nice to play with, Has his best friend Looking the other way and pointing. Finn + Jake 4 lyf <333
  12. Goodbye Chicken Feg ;( Get your grades up you slacking hoe. Well, I hope to see you around. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU GET ON TF2 GLAKSGDJ;LASDGJALSDGKJ BAI :C
  13. +1 he DU KOOLEST KAT DER IS. Very mature, dat accent, fun to play with, see him on a lot.
  14. Well, if you feel like you need to go, then be free child. Be free like the birds that roam the skies. Fuck that poetry shit. See ya man, hope to see you on and I will still stay in touch. FROLLICK LIKE A GAZELLE.
  15. +1 Nice to everyone, mature voice, lots of playtime on pokemon. Totally deserves it.
  16. +1 Very active, I would like to see him do some good in xG.
  17. +1 Great player and I would like to see him in xG.
  18. +1, Very generous and nice. Even though he won't buy my Misty Skull Festivizer >:-(
  19. I realize this was wrong, but isn't this a trade server? A server meant for trading instead of killing? If people are coming on here to fight instead of trading, what is the point in making it a trade server. I will stop with the cakes, but I still don't see the need for people to want my moderator taken away because of something the server isn't meant for.
  20. +1, fun to play with and mature. He is on a lot and I would like him as mod :D
  21. +1, Great player and mature. I see Sep on surf a lot. It would be nice to have some more moderators on cs:s For sure :)