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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by LapisLazuli

  1. +1 pretty nice guy. active on dat deathrun.
  2. Well I haven't been on in 5ever. For those who remember me and or give a fuck: About a month or two ago, two days before I left for cali for a few weeks, my computer anal prolapsed in on itself. My surge protector got screwed over the day before and waddayunoe.. huge ass thunder storm wiped out my psu and i5. So I let it go and went on vacation. Came back after 2-3 weeks and to this point I have been to stupid to go out and buy my needed parts. My computer is just cold dead in my room. I have not even been remotely active in this clan for months and I am deeply sorry. I don't know if I can say this but a lot of the people I don't like have ragequit the clan ( a lot join back in a few hours, this has caused me to visit the hello and goodbye threads as a source of entertainment ) Anyways as soon as I get my computer up and running the first servers I'll get on will be xg's. Miss you guys a lot. I have no idea who's staff, or what the new members are like but I am fairly confident this is the great clan I once was active in. OKAIBYE.
  3. That sucks man. Hope everything buffs out.
  4. What's up man, hope you get in some day. Try out the tf2 servers, also very fun.
  5. I'm going to burbank, and los angeles on the 17th and won't be back until some point in august so expect heavy inactivity past the 17th. I will be back I assure.
  6. fair and chrono won, penu didn't have enough posts :(
  7. Nine and Five add me to collect your prizes.
  8. I'm basically gonna do the giveaway in a few minutes
  9. Alright so I have two copies of LA Noire I'm giving away. Some rules: You must be in xG at some point. Must have more than 30 posts. Only giving it away to people on my friend's list or higher staff members. (admin and up) post an number 0-10 on your post. when I decide this is over, I'll random number generate 0-10, first person to have the generated number wins a copy, then i'll re-roll for the last copy. Please understand this will be done at random using www.random.com GOOD DAY, hope you win.
  10. +1 learned a lot since his last application.
  11. +1, Would be a nice staff member! Cool Dude
  12. LapisLazuli

    Admin aboose

  13. +1, not the most mature but good to be mod. should rep xg tag more
  14. +1, plays on EVERY css server, active, responsible
  15. +1, was great when he was you know.. last time
  16. LapisLazuli


    I was banned for disrespect. Dutchy was warden on jailbreak. Some guy was making fun of his accent. I told the guy making fun of his accent to STFU, now I'm server banned. I was trying to help out someone and got banned for disrespect, no screenshots, got banned really fast. @@McNeo
  17. +1, knows rules and is really never disrespectful, cool black guy accent.
  18. Very cool person, kind of annoying some times, still nice guy A: 9/10 M: 6/10 +1
  19. Didn't as me to plus one him. Fun to play with. M: 9/10 A: 8/10 +1
  20. Too loud in game, but overall a nice guy. A: 9.0/10 M: 6.9/10 +1
  21. Charrax gave me some iron once in minecraft so everyone put down your pitchforks. Cool gaiz
  22. Here I go. While the server was all kinds of glitching and what not, (Some of us couldn't even move lol) a lot of people playing jailbreak with me were messaging me that we're getting hacked. In a sarcastic sentence I said "Blame HG and panda", panda was the only guy that could move in the map. I understand what I did is frowned upon but I felt like protesting my ban if it was over one line of chat. If I could get unbanned and I know this might be a perm, it'd be nice. If I don't then I'll understand and I'll move on. OKTHANXBAI
  23. Nice guy, gets shit all over by people saying he hacks. Although he isn't very mature towards a certain division leader, he's not a bad guy, +1