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Everything posted by LapisLazuli

  1. edit: 0 He wasn't the cause of the random gun spam that annoyed me. I don't want that to be held against him. Still not the nicest guy.
  2. edit- new photo without the black and white stuff.
  3. Although some people don't like that we have so many mods right now turdwig would be great as a moderator. Cool dude, never gets butthurt, nice overall. +1
  4. Here you go +1 Plays a lot and is nice. Weird with binds but cool.
  5. [ATTACH]2792.vB[/ATTACH] my bad, this one looks better without all that black and white shit.
  6. Edit* Decision 0 Something happened with you chat spamming recently, Changed to 0.
  7. Maybe posting your steam ID instead of your account name would get you a +1 You can bump your subs instead of making a new one. What server are you most recognized on? Good luck.
  8. I'm not ugly or anything, I'm just wondering if it's frowned upon on the forums. Should I do IT? :bull_head:
  9. Hey guys. I've been on the xG jailbreak and minigame (CS:S) servers for a while now and felt like submitting a submission. You almost always see me on the servers as LapisLazuliOre and or Bryan. Feel free to add me on steam. Goodbye.
  10. Whenever I jump down onto the triangle I always fall of while others slide on the side. Any help as what to press or any tips would be appreciated.
  11. Just made an album of this and doug counter strike screenshots. I honestly feel like crying.
  12. To those that I have wardened: any advice for me, not general advice. I tend to warden when possible so you might have seen me warden. Any advice would help. I won't be offened unless you call me something stupid.
  13. I can't tell if those are a bunch of ):'s or a lot of :)'s with an extra :
  14. LapisLazuli

    Name Change

    Remember all of doug's organs on the JB server? He had like 3 testicles and a vagina.
  15. I don't know about that but I've seen so many creeper heads floating above the ground. There is NO EVIDENCE xg servers are not haunted.
  16. Just throwing this out there, but has no one mentioned her "non- mature" voice?
  17. Yeah, I was the guy who asked you about your head set.
  18. Just joined the forums. I originally joined to read Doug's goodbye letter. I will be interacting in this community when not on CS though. Thanks for having me
  19. Doug with you gone JB hasn't been the same. You were the epitome of character and personality in a T. I hope your future goes well. I hope to see you in the future. Maybe on CS:GO? I can only hope. :sorrow: