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Everything posted by Salt

  1. Salt


    Decision: -1 Expanation: You never slay yourself even when your wrong on the basis that "you've been playing on the server for over a year" which for some reason you think implies that the rules bend to your ideas of what they should be. You are pretty much an asshole to everyone for some unknown reason. You lack any respect for anyone and think everyone should give it to you for some reason. Not to mention your app alone says pretty much nothing.
  2. Was ordered to stand in the circle. Not to play death soccer. The slay was justified, but sending people into death soccer without the clarification that you aren't playing deathsoccer is pretty stupid.
  3. Salt

    Deo's Playlist.

    Wow. Suprisingly good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5oaW7x31ZY&feature=related
  4. This makes me feel right in all the wrong places. Wait, what? +Good fucking white rapper = winner.
  5. Shows genuine respect for the community and a good knowledge of the rules. I personally freekilled this guy twice today and slayed myself instantly. Both times he was extremely forgiving as he knew the freekills happened because of my horrible crossfire aim. He's a positive influence for the community. Activity: 9/10 Maturity: 10/10 Decision: +1
  6. Salt


    This whole everyone bitching about selling Mod/Admin thing is getting really old. Silence did what he had to do to get money so stop bitching about it. If you don't like it then quit, but if you're staying then I suggest people stop blatantly calling Silence a dumbass for doing it. With the amount of members that we have this shouldn't be a problem in raising the money. Seriously ten dollars a month from every member in xG would be way more than enough to run the servers. Instead no one donates and Silence has to figure out how to raise 300 dollars in a week. Since you guys are bitching about it so much what the fuck would you have him do? What possible idea would get you guys to spend enough money to get 300 dollars in that small window of time? TL;DR Stop fucking bitching about PA/PM ON TOPIC: I haven't had any problems with him and to be honest I really think it's really just people looking for a way to get Stego out. I'm not going to sit here and lie about what's going on. I'm not saying everyone that is posting against Stego is lying because I'm not always on and I don't see most of this shit. Whenever I'm on I don't see any problems. Even though he has the maturity of a 5 year old, Stego has admin and it doesn't seem like it's going to change. I don't like Stego and probably won't ever. Proof is a serious necessity here in my opinion because you really are bitching about freeslays and freekills. Start demoing or shut the fuck up. I'm going to -1 that he lose his admin or member protest because I don't like him enough that if he's going to get kicked out for his apparent abuse of power I want it to be done right. Stego just because I minus oned this doesn't mean I like you and I will get you kicked out if you give me the slightest bit of proof. TL;DR Start Demoing or get the fuck off this thread. Stego is still a jackass though.
  7. Neo he has already been ctbanned for a week. He clearly hasn't learned his lesson. I think @Papichulo88 did the week ban, but I'm not 100% sure.
  8. This guy has been ctbanned multiple times and I think he finally needs to be permaed. He constantly calls freeday when the warden is still alive to confuse the Ts into running off, freekills, teamkills, and just an overall annoyance to cts/wardens. I'm making this thread because 15 minutes ago he Teamkilled a ct with a ball so I told him to slay himself and the rest of the cts to stop shooting the ball. He continues knifing the ball as I keep telling him not to. He says "Trying to kill myself with it" I was doing simon says and wasn't paying attention to him so I got blindsided by the ball. I'm tired of his crap and I'd think others feel the same. I don't know how to demo well so I didn't, but I'm hoping to get enough backing from mods/admins that have banned him or other members that have seen this guy. I reposted the steam id exactly as it is in console because I think I messed it up. # 131 "gaminggoods" STEAM_0:0:43651377 1:28:46 64 0 active
  9. Salt


    Wow really. I was actually glad to hear you got Mod/Admin powers. :(
  10. Salt


    I get mad at people all the time, but I'm not an immature prick about it. I don't go around ganging up on people about it or completely explode on them. I wrote on his mod app because that whats I truly think about him and why he shouldn't get moderator. I did my "research" yet all I got from him was disrespect. My research, by the way, was being there when this all went down. What better research then being a witness to the whole thing. I was giving examples as why I thought he didn't deserve mod which most people ask for but then when you give them it they just get mad. I'm still a +1 for kicking out. By your logic @EZKill then Killaconnor shouldn't of been kicked out because he didn't get a warning. Why didn't you put your big boy pants on there because him spamming your chat with N***** is far less destructive then hating on our actual members. He was far less destructive to the community and was kicked out without a warning so whats the difference here.
  11. Salt


    I mean do I even really need to say why I think he should be out. I made it more than clear in his mod app that he is destructive the community and clearly has issues. I don't know if they make a pill for narcissism but I'd check if I were you Stego. Decision: +1
  12. I need to research on shit that I SAW happen. Thats funny. And I saw your apology. Just because you apologized doesn't mean you should absolved of the whole ordeal. YOU spearheaded the hate group against Brock. I watched it happen. You really just prove my post by the fact that you see or remember what you want to remember. Btw, You had SuperNarwhal slay himself, he didn't just do it. He's like "I'll slay myself if you want me to" and your response to that was "Thank you." I didn't know Thank you meant cool you don't have to slay yourself. I don't need to research. YOU need to remember what happened. The best part about your last post is the whole band wagon thing. Maybe now you know how Brock felt. I didn't mean to start some bandwagon but I'd thought I'd tell you how much a narcissistic piece of shit that you are. Every time you come in the server you have to announce your entrance like you are the resurrection of Jesus. I don't think being disgusted enough to not wear the same tag as you is being a drama queen. It's my opinion that your actions were that disgusting. Since you are a part of xG you should know to respect it's members. By the way if you, @@Stegosaurus didn't have the English/Grammar skills of a child then you'd be able to tell that what I was saying about the Mod Powers is why you'd want them and that you WOULDN'T be using them to keep the servers safe. It's hard to talk to someone as ignorant and uneducated as you. TL;DR Stego is a narcissistic dumb prick.
  13. Decision: -1 You can't drop the smallest things, don't show respect to anyone, and are extremely arrogant. I seriously haven't seen someone be so into themselves. You refuse to think that you could ever be wrong and won't stop arguing even when the other person has stopped talking. You instigate fights, not defend yourself. Today you got slayed by SuperNarwhal and literally the arguement went on for three long rounds. Everytime I died and was in dead chat it would be you "He cellhopped, he cellhopped." People make mistakes and SuperNarwhal slayed you on the facts that were presented before him. He knew he had pardoned DMTwired and DMTwired was saying he was pardoned. It's hard not to slay on those grounds when he himself knows he pardoned him. If anyone wronged you here it was DMTwired for lying to the Mod about the reason he was killed. The best part is that finally when SuperNarwhal finally conceded and said he wronged you and asked to slay you couldn't just shrug it off. Was it really worth the 3 rounds of people watching you argue with an admin about being slayed and not being alive for the last minute of a round? I was there for what you did to Brock Obama. That was just downright disgusting. I don't care if its the internet or that crap, you guys downright abused him for literally no reason. I couldn't believe it. I was about to ask one of the Mods to have you guys stop or you'll be kicked. It was literally horrible that an xG member would attack another like that. It looks bad for the clan and it would've been even worse if you were one of the leadership attacking a member. I truly felt horrible for even wearing the same clan tag as you when you attacked him like that. You really need to start thinking about others before you get Mod. You want to be Mod to get the power and respect that comes along with it. Not to protect the server from freekillers and people breaking the rules. Maybe when you can show some genuine interest in the well-being of the servers and people getting freeslayed in the server then I'll change my vote.
  14. Love meh some good friendly fire :3
  15. Cool guy, active, knows rules. Mudkips are awesome<3 Activity: 8/10 Maturity:9/10 Decision:+1
  16. Uhm. He's a brony. Do i need further explanation? But really, he's active cool and obeys rules. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 9/10 Decision: +1
  17. This is the spray he did for me. If anyones curious to how well they are done. [ATTACH]2538.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. I want one. Better be good, bitch. I'm thinking along the lines of a Robin....with a knife! Don't disappoint me.
  19. I think it should be treated the same as jumping. Shoot if it's afk freeze. Don't shoot if it's WASD freeze. Shoot if it's FR/LR and they checkmated before anyone jumps. Shoot on Simon Says and other games that are near the same or if jumping is restricted. As of right now, I don't shoot people who checkmate, but if it were added to the MOTD I feel like it should be like I said above. TL;DR Agree with most of what Deodate said.
  20. Salt


    This is a really controversial point because if you have a gun out for more than two seconds then you are considered a rebel. If you are running around without your gun out, outside the warday area, then you are "not participating." To be honest, warday should pretty be much be if you can see the guy moving around outside the area then you can shoot him as long as you are in the area. The only reason you shouldn't be allowed to shoot is if the Ts haven't been given adamant amount of time to get weapons. Like on canyondam when warday is called for outside and the Ts have to run past the door that shows outside to get to the armory.
  21. Salt

    Speedtest to Chicago

    I mean its pretty shitty, but I live on campus so with the amount of people that are using it... I'll be home in like a week so I'll see how it is from there, but I've always felt like the internet was faster at Florida State. Meh, back to studying bonds :$
  22. To start I really don't know if this is the right place to put this, but if it isn't I guess someone with the powers can move it. I don't know if anyone has noticed or if anyone cares, but I've been inactive since sunday and will continue to be inactive until next Friday April 27th. This inactivity is because my exams are next week and I'd prefer to do well on them. I also have to pull off getting an 88 on my Financial Accounting Final or I'm going to have to retake the class. God damn B or higher requirement. I've been studying pretty much all week and get on the forums when I need a break so the best place to reach me is here. I'm just posting this so that it doesn't seem like I joined and then left like less than a week after joining. After my last exam on Friday, I check out of my room at 3:00 and then drive four hours back home. Hopefully I'll be playing by Friday night. That's about it. Hope the servers still going strong. See you guys in about a week.
  23. Salt

    A day in JailBreak

    [ATTACH]2503.vB[/ATTACH] Don't lie to yourself.
  24. What is the question? I've read it like 10 times and it makes zero sense to me.
  25. Fix your steam ID Steam ID Finder And I've never seen you in game so 0 for me.