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Everything posted by Salt

  1. You disrespect the entire clan by completely ignoring the rules and expecting to be unbanned for it. You are literally saying I am better than everyone here and deserved to be unbanned because I am so great. Shut the fuck up. You are nothing more than an attention whore and if this thread isn't enough to prove it your almost 3000 post count shows it (Most of which are more than pointless posts). I can't stand someone who just sits there "like look at me, look at me." I thought ban protests were supposed to be for people WRONGFULLY banned. You aren't protesting your ban. You are asking for it to be lifted because apparently you are better than the rules. Theres a way to get unbanned without this stupid ass nonsense but of course you are clearly too fucking good for that. Like I said lets just throw the rules out. Clearly they are useless and don't deserve to even be read. Why do we even tell people to read the MOTD anymore? Whats the point? Everyone in the clan is too good for the rules. Why have them? It'd destroy alot of confusion as to why we have all the stupidest fucking ban protests that aren't even protesting anything. Can we please get a [Lift My Ban, I'm Better than the Rules] instead of [ban Protest]? Clearly thats all that "Ban Management" is for anymore. And as for all you've contributed to the clan is a fucking joke. McNeo did everything for this clan that he possibly could. Your "achievements" don't even come close to what he did in such a little time. As for being a good mod is more than a joke. If you mean playing favorites then you are the king. You pick and choose who the rules apply to. I would've -1ed McNeos thread too because he isn't better than the rules either. No one is. Why do you think you are? What makes you so fucking great that all of xG should kneel before you and say you know what fuck our rules we have DuckiiJr.? And like I've said there is a more than simple solution to this stupid ass shit. Pay the 20 bucks and do the sign picture. Go work for one fucking day which with minimum wage is 3 hours to get enough to pay for your unbanning. If you really care enough to get back in then I think you can do that much. To be honest I have more respect for the other hackers that didn't make a ban protest. Atleast they knew that they didn't deserve the time of day because they broke the rules. @@SkullKing That was a cute post, but at this point I really don't give a flying fuck. Strip me of Mod because I really don't know what rules to try to enforce anymore. Kick me out of the clan maybe I can try and get enough +1s to get unbanned. I don't want to leave, but fuck it if I'm not wanted here then tell me and I'll gladly get the fuck out of your lives.
  2. This really isn't hard. If you like him enough then you should help him pay the 20 dollars and let him do the picture and sign. Clearly we should just start throwing the rules out. This shits getting old and we are never going to stand by any of the rules. Why have them? If we keep doing this shit where its like "oh well this guy out of it" and never finally put a stop to it then ITS NEVER GOING TO STOP. inb4 next thread where some dumbfuck hacks and then uses this exact scenario as his reason. Someone pay the 20 dollars and let this retard post a picture of himself with a sign. This thread is so useless. EDIT: I'd also like to add that every person that +1ed this thread is a literal dumbfuck. Don't really care how much of an asshole I look like. You might as well just +1 to letting people hack. Don't even pretend that's not what this says. It's fucking black and white that he knew the rules and PURPOSELY chose to disobey them. Don't fucking make this some shit that it isn't.
  3. -1 20 Dollars and I Love Xenogamers Sign
  4. I mean you don't have to leave just cuz your going to be inactive ;)
  5. +1. My 3 sisters played it so does that count as 3 +1s????? :D
  6. Salt

    CT banned.

    Not your jurisdiction to perm ban him. If co-ldrs+ want him perm banned then they'll perm ban him.
  7. Salt


    Didn't you get banned for hacking...?
  8. Salt


    Chill, scrims, active, Uses Teamspeak Decision: +1 Activity: 9/10 Maturity: 8/10
  9. Salt


    if he used his get of jail card and then got permed again then I don't think he deserves to be unbanned. Clearly if he got banned for xrays on Minecraft he didn't learn his lesson.
  10. Salt


    Wait so hes been banned twice?
  11. Salt

    Chrono Abuse

    Changed my name because you were being a giant assfuck as a warden. And no one was insulting you over the mic. You insult people all the time and its ok but whne someone insults you, as chrono would say, "ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE FAGGOT"
  12. Salt


    Why can't people understand 20 dollars and the sign is pretty much the only way.
  13. Hacked and still sucked so much dick at scrimming that no one even knew he was hacking. LOL
  14. Salt


    Then don't play obviously drunk and the comments would have never started. Just because you want a bad reputation to be stopped doesn't mean it will be.
  15. +1 best thing to happen to the world since Nixon. Maturity: 100/10 Activity: 6/10
  16. @@Dead_Bullet Uhhhhhh..... Defend yourself I guess. Good Luck.
  17. Your steam ID is wrong. You're in the wrong thread and the forum tags you as a non-member so I suggest applying for xG first then applying for admin at a later time.
  18. Nice guy, active, shows genuine interest in the community Activity: 7/10 Maturity: 8/10 Decision:+1
  19. Salt


    I haz a copy of Payday: Heist to trade if you wanna.
  20. Salt

    Delete ShackNewsBot

    @@silence I mean if you look at its views it gets less than 10 views on every article it posts and it really just spams the new posts so that actual trending threads get pushed out of the way by it. It was nice that you gave it a chance, but I really don't think anyone cares about it because if they really want news on games they just go to their usual sites.
  21. Is it just me or does this seem like the plot to somekind of covert ops epic movie?
  22. Salt


    Good picture of me admitting that I slayed you. And the conversation in that picture is a couple rounds after the fact that doesn't show me telling you not to kill people for just talking while you are holding down your mic and not talking at all. You did it once I told you not to do it again. You did it again so I slayed you. @@Fullbring @@GanjaMonster and I don't know Patches forum name but they can all vouch that I told you to stop doing it and that indeed the slay was justified. BTW, Congratulations on getting the most irrelevant picture possible. I tell everyone that I slayed them and why. So if I'm going to get demoted because I tell people that I slay them then I guess that's fine.
  23. Pretty cool and Nice. Activity: 8/10 Maturity: 10/10 Decision: +1